Wednesday, September 16


Graduated for almost 2 years. Most of my school mates are now part of the society's economic contributor, working from 8 to 5, (and may be overtime). Earn their first car, first house, first Rm100k, and not surprisingly, some are planning or even had get their own family, with kids and maid.. eventually wait for retirement..

This is so called "life"...

During the schooling age, examination result is the parameter for a person success..
During the working age, your income is the the indicator of your success..
During the retirement, wealth accumulated and your children's success, are your success..

This is the model lifestyle the society has built and instilled... everyone should follow this direction... and so forming the "machine life".. Even some of us may realized and that we hate it but still we are doing it.. and worst is that we ask our next generation to follow the very same path we went through as well.. Career makes people feel secured, proud and confident... we can't be jobless or can't even take the risk of jobless... money and material are such big and important issue in life... so many bills are waiting there...

Therefore, there are 5% in our population have seen the needs of the 95%... the boss will provide you the secured income, and you have to work 100 times harder than your salary has said.. 1 part for yourself and 99 parts are for your boss.. Boss will praise you "good job", "well done", and give you some benefits once in awhile... then you will feel so proud of yourself and give all your loyalty to those bosses... day by day... year by year... until you get old and no longer capable as you were younger... you need spectacles, your response is slow, you hardly catch up with new technology... and then suddenly you realize that your secured income is no longer secured...

This is so called "life"...

Most people have never realized that one day they will get old and die... its always too late when they realized.. Therefore, when you keep running like a machine, never aware of your machine's lifespan and maintenance, then you will be in big trouble when the time comes..and do remember that the rule of the life game is that it will never takes two..

Let me tell you a different version of story of race between tortoise and rabbit.
Running faster ahead doesn't guarantee the win until you reach the goal... When all the audiences are assuming that the rabbit is definitely the winner... they praise and admire the rabbit... the rabbit become very proud of itself and run very fast initially... but when the crowd is not there anymore at half way of the race track, the rabbit started to become lazy, bored and then it fall asleep... So, until the rabbit wake up, only it realizes that the race has already over...Where are the audience? they are now praising the tortoise and nobody remember how fast the rabbit was running at first...

The audiences are the boss. You are recognized when you are young and capable... but when it comes to the middle-age, the young generation which come later may over take you.. and you are still telling the same old story of how capable or brilliant once you were... In fact, most employers have already forgotten about your contributions in the pass... they are only concerned about the future and growth... then eventually you will be either retrenched or luckily retired...

If you are given a choice now, would you still want to be a short runner or a long runner?
Or just watch the race? Get yourself out of the race track.