Wednesday, February 17

Talk on Feng Shui Pet - Pixiu

Feng shui is basically a study of environment.
Thing that we can not see with eyes or hear by ears does not means it does not exists.

There is an energy, could be law of attraction, mind setting, magnetic field or other similar "nouns", referring to something affecting our fate, luck, experience, and thus the characteristic behavior.

There are a lot of different elements or material from nature can alter or affect the magnetic field. Though most of them are just a believe, and these believes create the attraction, good or bad..

Feng shui usually apply on the house you stay, the office or the shop open for business.
Aquarium with flowing water is the most common "tool" being used to enhanced the volume of business and relationship. Other important elements such as jade, crystal, wood and gold are also commonly used to enhanced the luck.

Here, introducing a "pet" which can enhanced your money income.
Named pi xiu. (a.k.a bixie, tian lu)
Pixiu is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature which is son of Dragon.
It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold and silver. Therefore traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical power capable of drawing wealth from all directions.

It is believed that if you adopt pixiu as your pet, and of cause you treat it nicely, it will draw more and more wealth for you as return. It consume money into the stomach and it has no anus for excretion. Therefore, it will accumulate wealth for it's master.

Jade pixiu is favorable due to the natural power or spiritual energy in the jade itself. Therefore the jade pixiu is said to have stronger connect with the master it follow. Never let other person torch your lovely "pet", unless you would like to share your luck and wealthy to other people.

Tips to adopt a pixiu: same like choosing a pet dog or cat, pixiu that to be adopted shall have good appearance that you like it, close to you and your instinct will tell you which is the one.