Sunday, September 12

Piranha 2010 - summer buffet for the fish

I was sitting and took couple of minutes to recall but still, I can't remember what was so horror about "Jaws" in my memory... except its "te ren.........te ren.....teren..terenterenterenteren.." sound effect...

Well, with the technology and graphic effects, Piranha 2010 is definitely more "real"...

Piranha is kind of fresh water fish that is an omnivorous that inhabits in South America river. They are known for their sharp teeth and a voracious appetite for meat. In the movie, this species of piranha had in fact extinct, however, survived in under ground lake and being released after the earth tremors tear open a crack in the lake floor.

As usual, "tourists" are designed as the prey for those horrifying creature, piranha. Every year the population of sleepy Lake Havasu explodes from 5,000 to 50,000 for a single, wild weekend - the 4th of July, a riot of sun, drunken fun and sex-crazed mayhem. The scene run around sexy and joyful party. Then, started with the first bite at the butt of a pink lady, the scene then full of disgusting blood and scream.

Eyes drop off and eaten, face pealed off, half body missing and left over the skeleton... the one I like the most and amused me was, there were two guys helping and moving a lady who was injured to the shore...but one of the guy carelessly fall down and that pulling the lady's body into half!! hahaha...and the cast "girl cut in half" was starring by Nancy Walters.

The way of presenting the story is rather conservative and ordinary, not much surprises to me (besides the girl cut in half), but the graphic effects and sexy girls do enriched the whole movie.

Wednesday, September 8

Crystal Enhancing Luck

There are many kind of crystal elements found in earth and even aerospace out of earth.
Regarding the myths that crystal could amplify, boost or enhance the luck have been barely shown by scientifically measurement of vibration energy and conductive characteristic. But luck is not measurable.

Human body composed of carbon, water elements, atoms, molecules, cells and yes, its just biological machine...and then installed with our soul...with intelligence and justification. The energy come from food we eat are for the function of biological machine, whereas "the diet" for our mental is usually neglected.

I don't know how crystal could actually enhanced the luck or improve the life but there are list of crystal stones with various kind of claimed attributes. Based on my Ba Zi (data of birth date and time), I have not enough of fire element and therefore crystal with fire element and also with emotional stabilizing effect will be suitable for myself...

After 4 hour of careful selection and consideration, I got my Agate Star of David necklace, Red Agate wrist band and Rutile wrist band. Agate mainly for health, social, relationship, talent, balanced the body ion charge and stabilized emotion Rutile for wealth accumulation, balanced and stabilized temper and emotion.

If luck really can be bought, cost of these crystals and the consultation would be very worthy.
I'll see..

p/s: the necklace went missing not even a week...haha...hope someone pick it will have good luck as me! !#@$!$@