Wednesday, March 16

Black Swan -- Natalie Portman

Watched two totally different movie by Natalie Portman -- "Black Swan" and "No String Attached"
One was comedy while another was psycho...I was totally impressed by the actress Natalie, indeed, she was the winner of Best Actress in Academy Awards 2011..

The story of Black Swan is basically showing how a ballet dancer Nina (Portman) wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and compete for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette...however, struggling to survive in the industry, the boss has to come out with more creative presentation as well as pushing the dancer to the outrageous... Nina slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan... her illusion, the "black swan" gave her the courage and strength that she had never had but also took away her soul...

The story ends with beautiful splash of blood on the stage...


Everyone one of us has this "black swan" within...just that we still know how to play safe...
Inner of me love "Black Swan" but outer prefer "No Strings Attached"