Tuesday, August 30

Purple Jade Pixiu

Finally I found her... love at first sight...
The very rare purple and dark green jade in combination with pixiu motif... she was astonishing...and I know I got to take her with me...no matter what...

Purple jade stone has been cherished by many other cultures for its unique and interesting properties. In Feng Shui, purple jade is a precious gemstone believed to have mysterious healing and energizing powers. With its extravagance and auspicious nature, these purple jade stones were exclusively delegated to the lord and noble in ancient China. Whist, American Indians believed that purple jade has the healing power for kidney ailment. Basically, purple jade was said to foster creativity, promote practicality, increase body strength and encourage tolerance, wisdom and love.

The natural color jade stone must be translucent to the light and the material would look slightly fibrous within. Jade is harder than steel and should not scratch by steel blaze. There are two type of jade in the market namely jadeite and nephrite. Jadeite mainly from Burma was known to be hardest jade stone in world and tends to have brighter hues and a shinier polish than nephrite.

In fact, the experts graded the jade as A, B, C where basically the best A-jade is natural jade that has not been treated in any way; B is jade that has been bleached; and C-jade is color dyed, which commonly called fake jade. The value of jade was highly subjective and even expects could run into difficulties to identify the quality of jades by their physical appearance.

The natural purple color side of my lovely jade pixiu...

The deep green side..translucent to light.
It cost me 500USD to tackle her...^^ 

Thursday, August 25

Do nuts to stay sane

Thanks to a 18's girl who knock my head...
Realized my 18 was gone too far...people around were getting older and older...and where the passion gone?

Arts, freedom and affection were such a beautiful picture...we were once young and passionate...
Who has polluted that nice perfect picture? was that mature a contradiction to "nuts"?

Some people say, you gotta be who you suppose to be when the time come...
18 was a great time, but you're so not gonna miss 28, 38, 48,58... who knows they would not be fun?

Today, I feel insane.

Sharky Bids - Definitely Scam!

If you think you may have a Nikon D7000 for just 8.42 bucks, then you are a dumb!
Well, I was that dumb dumb being cheated 300 bucks.
Don't ever think for 1 second thats such a good deal, auction or whatsoever...they were SCAMS!
You could never win any thing at the end, what you had pay was just for the "clicking"...then your money all gone!
Damn pissed on myself been so lazy to find out...blindly to believe what I wish to be true.
How naive I was... somebody please lock them up!!

Here a good review on how they cheat...I was too late to find out this...so don't be a fool hooked up like me.

Sunday, August 7

Half past 2011

Hair was long enough tighten up.
Secluded beach...I was not alone.
Reminiscence pieces by pieces.
Over and over again.

Would it different this time?

I assumed myself found but sometimes I lost again.

I am fine.. seems like the only answer to how are you...
I wish I'd have be more creative but I never been.
Just like I wish I'd have become stronger...

I am not a believer but somehow I rely pretty much on the given...
I thought my faith have been exhausted in love
but surprisingly, tears dropped from my drought eyes again.

Was it real?

Complicated and mixed feeling...
For the past I couldn't found.
For the present I fear to become past.

Just one thing my heart could tell,
I was happy for the tears out of sorrow.

I kinda like it.