Tuesday, December 17

Lynas -- Three killed in Two years

After the general election, the situation in Malaysia is getting tensed with hiking price and living cost. While our almighty ministers were giving the same answers and excuses, typically "its unavoidable, we have no choice", "its for the people benefits" or "if you can't cope with it, then you shall take the alternative".

Yes, this is the government chosen by majority votes.

More and more issues coming up, mostly the bad news, feeling overwhelmed and numbness to all these injustice, inhumanity and insanity. What a citizen like me can do? Nothing more than grumble in social media with a small group of people.

The rare earth processing plant in Kuantan is still operating, after killing three human in two years since the beginning. No one seems to care or be fear of standing oppose to the gigantic government and almighty minister. Yes, it isn't the hazardous thorium that killed the poor engineer, he was found drowned in the pond in the facilities.No one tells how and why the mishap happened, and neither further investigation nor someone took the blame (as usual). The poor engineer was simply careless and this is the end of the story.

Well, a decease in Lynas, definitely not as interested as previous stories where the Mongolian lady killed by C4 or body being thrown out from a so-called anti-corruption agency building. But, this time, we shall think again, if a well-trained engineer can simply die in the facilities under strict surveillance (as if) , how highly is the possibility of "simply" leakage of hazardous substances to our environment? Hazardous substances is not like your baby's poo poo, which you can just wipe it out. It will be remained even you may not seeing it. It will be haunting you and your next generation and next and next...

Report of Insider.
Google results of thorium hazardous waste

Even the ceiling can be collapsed again and again (lost count) in a hospital premise, what more can you expect?