Sunday, February 23

12 Years A Slave -- Horrific True Story

Imagine one day you're a free man, the next you become a slave... a property of the other person...
The last supper as a free man
Wake up in the hell
This is a true story about a black, Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who was kidnapped and sold as a slave. He was sent away from his family, his friends, his life and everything was once belong to him. He merely survive through threaten, pain, struggles and hopeless years of twelves.

History of slavery had reveal how ugly a human could be. In the bottom of heart, we know which is wrong but we still followed blindly and forgiving ourselves with excuses. Even today, "slavery" is still exists around us. Typically women and child abuse, animal abuse, racism, homophobia, and all sort of social issues, are happening everyday. In the movie, Solomon was eventually saved by a Canadian abolitionist (Brad Pitt) after 12 years. However, there were so many other slaves, who were not as "lucky" as Solomon and were even suffered to death.

Taken away our name, identity, race, gender, nationality, money, we are all the same, human. No human is less than a human. The resources on our mother of earth is more than enough to cater the needs of everyone, but never adequate to fulfill the desire of a single man.
A better world starts from you, not somebody.

Don't wait for somebody to change the world, we all are the somebody. Voice out!!

Friday, February 14

Kelud Volcano Eruption on Valentine's Day 2014

It is so lucky to have this one unforgettable experience! Just one day after we seen the beautiful Borobudur sunrise and done the tour in Yogyakarta, volcano (Gunung Kelud) about 300km away erupted in early this morning. Indeed, we had just visited Mt. Merapi yesterday, which is also an active volcano (40km away) nearer to Yogyakarta town.

Honestly, it was amazing to have witness the power of nature. Ashes flying/covered all over the place like snowing. The local people says "hujan abu" which means "ashes rain". Airport was shut down and most of the shops are closed mainly due to the bad visibility. The cars and transport are hardly move on the streets. The ashes was few inches thick. Though it is 200km away, the eruption, the impact is so huge. Couldn't imagine what if it was Mt Merapi, which is just right here in Jogya, the situation must be even worst.

News reported gravels drop from sky in area nearer to the Kelud (10km radius). All residents have been evacuated to safer place.

Throughout the trip in Yogyakarta, we gotten the invaluable experience, joy and peace. Hope the city will be recover soon and minimized the lost. Deep appreciation to the Edelweiss Hotel Yogyakarta, Rumah Boedi Borobudur, the becah and tuk tuk drives, and authentic food. Those experiences are definitely worth more than money could buy.

Monday, February 3

The Journey 一路有你

A great movie. It combines all the cultural practice of Chinese in Malaysia, a very typical and conservative family, but love is above everything.

The story is about conflicts between a father and a daughter. The daughter was grown up separated from her father (not by her own choice). The daughter was upset being sent away by the father which he thought that was the best benefit for the daughter. Years after, the daughter finally come back with her boyfriend/fiance who is a westerner with completely different thinking, background and habits. The story goes around the father and the son-in-law, the acceptance and tolerance, laughter and tears, all because of love. Though most of the actors are fresh, they did the job beautifully, bringing out the true message and touch the audiences.

Benji (Ben Andrew Pfeiffer) and Ah Ngau (Uncle Frankie)

Bee (Joanne Yew) - Miss Astro 2007.

Sunday, February 2

Do Not Litter

Yes, I want to talk about rubbish!
It's so unbelievable, people throwing rubbish out of the car on the road! Such a nice car, but fetching tribe of monkeys? (feel sorry to the monkeys).
Seriously you think the rubbish thrown out would disappeared itself?? Oh, it's out of your car, so it's none of your business?? Please be civilized, learn the first lesson "Do not litter" before go on the road or anywhere out of your own house (Yes, you may litter inside your house if you're enjoying it so much!)