Tuesday, March 11

Please come home MH370.

Very sorry to the victims and their family, not only for their lost, but also the fact that they have to bear with our idiot ministers. Sigh.. like it or not.. the Prime Minister went to wet market at this critical time to buy RM 1 chicken (though a lot of people would love to know where to get that RM 1 chicken, but don't you have something more important to do??)... next, Minister of transportation was caught laughing right in front of so many international media, when everybody is in grief and so worry about the 239 passengers on board.. furthermore, you should check on his brilliant answer too... on why the two passengers with falsified documents were not detected (in fact, the stolen passports are well listed in the interpol database)...

Talking about the rescue plan... when US, China, Vietnam, Singapore and other countries are busy searching, tracing, investigating... we have our "secret weapon" -- Bomoh (witch or shaman)... after some spells and magic show, bomoh said the plane is either hanging in the sky or hidden in the sea...

The next even hilarious thing is, Malaysian Airlines (MAS) offers free flight and accommodation for those victims' family members from Beijing to come to Malaysia (perhaps they can enjoy our beach and sunshine at the meantime??)... BUT instead of Kuala Lumpur, a few of them were "found landed" in India... (LOL/ROFL)

I feel really sorry to the incident... and sorry to my beloved country for having so many incapable idiots in the ministry especially... with the way they "work", you can expect more "jokes" are coming up..

After so many days, it might seems very unlikely but still we hope miracles would happen...
Please come home safely MH370...