Thursday, April 10

How much is the cost of a smart phone

Think of them when we use our electronic gadgets.. its on the expense of their poor life.. you pay money to get a new phone but they pay their life to earn a living.. 

Benzene is a colorless, flammable liquid with a sweet odor, which is frequently found in paints and coatings. It evaporates quickly when exposed to air, thus the main route of exposure (47-80%) is through inhalation. Benzene can also be absorbed through the skin when in direct contact with a source, such as gasoline. Health hazards of benzene include leukemia, particularly acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Reference: gigabase

Beneze is banned in many countries, however, not in China. You might think that's none of your business, but don't forget, when you walk down an aisle in a shopping mall, how many products are actually made in China? and these toxic (e.g. Benzene) evaporates in the air and also can be absorbed through the skin! You're at the risk too that you might not even know.

Put the pressure on those brands and the chain, minimized the hazardous chemicals and use alternative. All they ask for, just a safe working environment and be treated as a human.