Saturday, November 12

Eating habits for the elderly

My mother is in her 70s.

She is a retired teacher, so she has the attitude of "always right" and "overly control" herself. Of course she lives her life beautifully, but there is time when you can not make decision for the best interest of yourself.  This is not uncommon for human beings, whether young or old, we fail to make the best decision for our own good, and sometimes we tend to self-sabotage as well. 

My mother is the most self-controlled person (in terms of food choice) that I have ever know. She has a long list of unhealthy/bad food. Therefore, only a narrow range of food is acceptable for her. For example, deep fried food are all bad for your health. Steam food is healthier but its bland and not appetising. My mother sometimes could even force feed herself if she is convinced enough that food is good for her, and reject "bad food" even though that she loves them so much. For years, she has a strict diet for herself: less salt, less sugar, less oil version of everything she eat. In her terms, meat are bad for health, vegetables are good, don't eat too much (70% is the golden rules), and one shouldn't eat more than an egg a day because it will lead to high cholesterol (which is NOT TRUE).

The most obvious changes that we would see when we are getting older than 40 years old, are the slow down of our daily activities, our muscles and brain functions are shrinking slowly and then rapidly in 60s to 70s. My mother is getting weaker and weaker since she has been controlling her diet wrongly, losing her weight and strength. Doctors and physiotherapy are both suggesting her to take more protein rich diets, but in her perception "meats are bad, no more than 1 egg a day" is hard wired in her brain, so much so that it has psychologically make her sick or disgust when eating more meat.

Without sufficient dietary protein and probably trace minerals/vitamin B complex from the meat source, there is no way the muscle and strength will come back. Now, she relies a lot on formulated milk and supplementary nutrients, yet, these can never be enough to support the basic metabolism. Habits and wrong perceptions are forbidding my mother to enjoy her food and reducing her day by day. I hope she can change her mind one day by reading more latest and true information, and then make a wiser and better diet decision for herself. 

For those who are looking for a healthy diet for elderly, my suggestion is eat everything you can eat, but don't get the same food everyday. Take natural food (non-process food), simple cooking (boil, steam or stir fried), proportionally more protein, more fibre and less carbohydrates. Enjoy the delicious food that you love once in a while, share with friends and do more exercise to keep yourself socially and physically active.

For those who are trying to convince an Asian old uncle or aunty on her diet, my advice is "just forget it, you can never win". Asian mother especially is always right and knows better than you. I think instead of arguing with them, you can just buy them quality food, take them out for dinner and simply listen to their complaints. No one can lives forever, just try to be present at the moment and let happiness be the priority.

Monday, November 9

Sunbath Guinea Pig

Hello world! My name is Ernie, I am having sun bath..
Oh, please ignore Cani, the cat at the back, she's just jealous of me..

Sunday, November 8

Sasa the Cat

Hello world!
I came from meow planet. I can see what you don't see. Because I can twist and turn the world to any angle I want to..

Sasa the cat was wondering outside my house. As I open the door, she came inside as if she has been staying here her whole life.. Anyway, notice has been posted up at the neighborhood, hopefully your human would locate you soon.

Sunday, November 1

Wedding or Pre-Wedding Photography Taiwan

If you're looking for professional photography service and if you prefer it to be more private and if you have a small budget for best experience, here you got what you're looking for...

Taiwan is a beautiful and civilize country. You can enjoy cheap, fast, punctual and convenient public transport to any part of Taiwan. Public toilet is clean and comfortable. Food is nice and you can find a lot of pork or beef delicacy, as well as vegetarian varieties.

And, if you happen to be LGBTQ or any kind, rest assured, you will be receiving just the same, warmth and sincere hospitality here. Taiwanese are generally very helpful and friendly. Young women are safe walking alone at night in Taipei. Wheelchair has no trouble moving around or taking public transport such as MRT and buses.

There are a lot of photography services for wedding, but this, LES 私.邊界同志愛情攝影社 ( Literally translation: Les. Private. Border. Homosexual Loves Photography) has gained a good reputation especially among the lesbian and gay couples. They are team of three, the free-lance photographer Liz, make-up artist Peggy and an assistant Xin. They are very passionate in their profession, polite, respectful and friendly. Service will be catered according to your preferences. Everything from your hairstyle, make-up, dresses, posture and your love story, you may discuss with the team and custom it out to your album. 

Of cause, a product of good quality is usually comes in limited quantity. Don't stress yourself out to go for everything that they can offer, choose only the best moment and story line that most reflecting your beauty, happiness and loves.

Love has no boundary. Support equality.


Thursday, October 22

Everybody gonna die someday, either today or tomorrow?

She was 25.
It was a stupid accident. A real funny and stupid road accident.
She was driving a 120 cc motorbike at 80km/hour speed, and a car which was stopping at the shoulder, came out exactly the time she pass by... It sounds like a joke or a scene you seen in a low budget comedian movie...
So, the car knocked on her, she hit on the floor, probably broke her neck, so she was dead right then and there.
She was a squash player, biker, hiker, diver, vaper... she was big-hearted, cheerful, energetic... so energetic! but now she has to "rest in peace"

It has been 60 days since she was gone. She might had reach the heaven or simply disappeared and not existing anymore.

What was left?
Memory? a grave stone? skeleton?

We human are not any better than animals or any creature on earth.
Be humble, be kind and be prepared to die.