Saturday, October 10

Secret and Religion

The Secret is currently a famous modern reading all about the Law of Attraction and the order of the universe... the Secret has become a hot topic being practice by many readers and so as received a lot of criticism.
In fact, I don't have any inevitable evidence about the existence of Law of Attraction.
I don't know how it works, what is the mechanism of Law of is placed within scientific fact and naive...we are lack of capability to solve...
If you would to argue with me whether The Secret is really works or it is just a fraud, I would say I don't know...but I believe...
Because of "I believe", hence, every goodwill happened to me, Law of Attraction is given the credit.

Every creature in our world, the trees, forest, building, bridge, animals, human, everything we see, we know and also those that we don't know... are all in the order of universe... Do you ever experience good luck, or bad luck, no taxi, raining, forget the door key, cell phone no battery... all happened in one day, is it simply just  a coincident?
There are a lot of things happened that we can't explain... indeed, human is only a fragile tiny creature... it is not surprising there are so many things out there that our current technology or science couldn't solve...isn't it?
Power is not only what we can see.

So as in term of religion, its the God...
Different religions has different believes about the appearance of God. Some in a puppet, stone, the sun, or even a piece of wood. Nevertheless, there is one similarity, religious believe the power of God which can decide everything. Therefore we pray to the God, ask for mercy, forgiveness, peace, health, wealth and everything we desired.

It is all about your thought

For more, check this site!
