Sunday, August 1

Life is all about love

Great love and great achievements involve great risk.

I wonder how I would be when I am age 70?
I used to make my mum angry and sad. I thought I am not closed to her. She knows nothing about me. As time pass by, she get older and older, and I just realized the last time we hug each other was my age 10. Once before I have a lots of friends, I enjoyed my time with friends, they were all I had... I hate my family, I don't like my mum, I teased my brothers were useless and dump. But, one day I realize friends would have to be separated one day but your family is always there for you no matter how much you hate them. Then, life will teach you the lesson.

What we needs is actually very simple -- attention.
Kids need attention, so as adults and old folks need attention.
We want somebody to look at us. When we love someone, we are actually paying attention to somebody and in return, we need to be attended too. In other words, we need company, we need joys, we need affection, we need love and beloved. But, there are risk that if we are grief to someone or attached to someone, we are exposing to risk of getting hurt or sadness if the situation change or the someone leave. So, shall we hold back?

In Buddhists, everything is impermanent.

We have to experience the life ourselves, let the good or the bad penetrate fully, then only you learn how to leave it. Take any emotion, love for a woman, grief for a loved one or fear and pain from death...if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to being detached, you are afraid of pain, afraid of the grief and afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.

Allow yourself to dive in the emotions, experience them fully and completely. Then you know what pain is, what love is and what grief is...then only you can say, "Alright, I have experienced that emotion, I knew it, so I can detach from that emotion now."

I have let the emotion penetrate myself fully. It was very happy when we have fun together and it was very painful for me when they left. I was very suffer at that time but I never regret, it was a wonderful and fantastic love lesson I have ever had :D

I have detached, because I have penetrated, I have understand and I have know the beauty of love.

To my mother, to my family, to my lover, to my friends, to my pass... I am who I am today because of you...
I love you :D