Monday, January 10

Nicolas Cage -- Season of the Witch

The very first movie I watched in the new year of 2011, Season of the Witch, simply because of Nicolas Cage, one of my favorite actor. However, after the show, I wonder, "what's the name of the show again?"...."season of the bitch?" friend said so...or mishearing?

I was confused.
As a horror movie, it was not that scary...indeed a bit childish...but to say as an action movie, the actions were the beginning, it was alright, the girl was said as witch, yes, Season of the Witch, of cause should be all about witch...but turned up it was demon?? there was none of "witch" business, just a young pretty girl possessed by demon...I think most audiences like myself were expecting some black magic and spell...let it be a black kitty or a broken broom??

Furthermore, this demon was kind of stupid, he wanted to destroy the Key of Solomon (a book) but he don't know the way to the monastery where the book was kept (but he can kill all the monks there before his arrival) he hide in the body of the pretty gal, Anna (so-called witch), and let the knights and priest to escort him (or her)...lastly demon shown up himself and fight...but he looked rather weak...skinny and small size...definitely he was defeated...old knights and priest all died, only survival -- the young man and women, Kay and Anna...imagine they live happily ever after...
End the story.

Its all about Nicolas Cage...just like the poster shown...