Sunday, August 7

Half past 2011

Hair was long enough tighten up.
Secluded beach...I was not alone.
Reminiscence pieces by pieces.
Over and over again.

Would it different this time?

I assumed myself found but sometimes I lost again.

I am fine.. seems like the only answer to how are you...
I wish I'd have be more creative but I never been.
Just like I wish I'd have become stronger...

I am not a believer but somehow I rely pretty much on the given...
I thought my faith have been exhausted in love
but surprisingly, tears dropped from my drought eyes again.

Was it real?

Complicated and mixed feeling...
For the past I couldn't found.
For the present I fear to become past.

Just one thing my heart could tell,
I was happy for the tears out of sorrow.

I kinda like it.