Monday, November 9

Sunbath Guinea Pig

Hello world! My name is Ernie, I am having sun bath..
Oh, please ignore Cani, the cat at the back, she's just jealous of me..

Sunday, November 8

Sasa the Cat

Hello world!
I came from meow planet. I can see what you don't see. Because I can twist and turn the world to any angle I want to..

Sasa the cat was wondering outside my house. As I open the door, she came inside as if she has been staying here her whole life.. Anyway, notice has been posted up at the neighborhood, hopefully your human would locate you soon.

Sunday, November 1

Wedding or Pre-Wedding Photography Taiwan

If you're looking for professional photography service and if you prefer it to be more private and if you have a small budget for best experience, here you got what you're looking for...

Taiwan is a beautiful and civilize country. You can enjoy cheap, fast, punctual and convenient public transport to any part of Taiwan. Public toilet is clean and comfortable. Food is nice and you can find a lot of pork or beef delicacy, as well as vegetarian varieties.

And, if you happen to be LGBTQ or any kind, rest assured, you will be receiving just the same, warmth and sincere hospitality here. Taiwanese are generally very helpful and friendly. Young women are safe walking alone at night in Taipei. Wheelchair has no trouble moving around or taking public transport such as MRT and buses.

There are a lot of photography services for wedding, but this, LES 私.邊界同志愛情攝影社 ( Literally translation: Les. Private. Border. Homosexual Loves Photography) has gained a good reputation especially among the lesbian and gay couples. They are team of three, the free-lance photographer Liz, make-up artist Peggy and an assistant Xin. They are very passionate in their profession, polite, respectful and friendly. Service will be catered according to your preferences. Everything from your hairstyle, make-up, dresses, posture and your love story, you may discuss with the team and custom it out to your album. 

Of cause, a product of good quality is usually comes in limited quantity. Don't stress yourself out to go for everything that they can offer, choose only the best moment and story line that most reflecting your beauty, happiness and loves.

Love has no boundary. Support equality.


Thursday, October 22

Everybody gonna die someday, either today or tomorrow?

She was 25.
It was a stupid accident. A real funny and stupid road accident.
She was driving a 120 cc motorbike at 80km/hour speed, and a car which was stopping at the shoulder, came out exactly the time she pass by... It sounds like a joke or a scene you seen in a low budget comedian movie...
So, the car knocked on her, she hit on the floor, probably broke her neck, so she was dead right then and there.
She was a squash player, biker, hiker, diver, vaper... she was big-hearted, cheerful, energetic... so energetic! but now she has to "rest in peace"

It has been 60 days since she was gone. She might had reach the heaven or simply disappeared and not existing anymore.

What was left?
Memory? a grave stone? skeleton?

We human are not any better than animals or any creature on earth.
Be humble, be kind and be prepared to die.

Tuesday, October 20

Two Dots -- Get Full Lives Almost Instantly for FREE.

Some players find it boring and some get so addicted to it, Two Dots from Dots.

A simple but mind challenging game. I like the satisfaction of solving the problem, and then to be called genius. But then, there are times that is so frustrating, you fail and keep trying, but there are only 5 precious "lives" which renew every 20 minutes for each.

Therefore, to generate new life, you can either pay for it or try this....
Call it Time Travelling or Back to the Future...

To be detailed, after all the lives spent,
1. Click home, which return you to your phone home screen (the game would be still running at the background).
2. Then go and adjust the date of your phone to one day forward or any future date or time (e.g. today is 21st October 2015, adjust it to 22nd October 2015).
3. Return to the game and you will find that life are now full.
4. Click play and then press the home button again to your phone home screen.
5. Adjust the date back (e.g. 21st October 2015) to prevent confusion.
6. Return to the game again and play!

You may repeat this as many time as you want... FREE OF CHARGE!
Have fun :)

Saturday, June 6

Tekubi Shibari -- Wrist Binding -- Basic Kinbaku Pattern I

Kinbaku (緊縛) and Shibari (縛り) are used interchangeably in Japanese, literally means bondage or binding with rope. The previous post Kinbaku -- Release through Restraint doesn't detail the emotional aspect of the practice. For people looking for something more erotic, beautiful and close between two souls, Kinbaku might be a good choice.

Thanks to "50 Shades of Grey", bondage is now a more open and acceptable term.

Sex is not about making baby. Yes, to be frank, human do enjoy sex, both male and female, but only under a very stringent condition, especially female. Many had never experienced orgasm throughout their whole sexual life, many are denying it while some are frustrating about unsatisfying sex. The natural body instinct is normally not enough. We need to learn, communicate with our partner and intellectually discuss about it. Before Kinbaku, there are 4 things which is very important to ensure a satisfying love-making:
  1. Knowledge.
  2. Communication.
  3. Tool.
  4. Communication again.
Do not make any assumption that you know everything about man or women! Some are not even sure about their own needs. Besides, women are good at pretending and faking orgasm only to feed the partner's silly ego. You need to put effort to learn how and be more sensitive to your own need as well as your partner's need. Learn from the right channel, for example, knowledge about the biological structure, where is the key spots, how to play safe and whether your partner likes it or not. After all the communication only a mutual trust relationship can be established. Then only you can talk about using tools to enhance the fun of sex.

Kinbaku, unlike the Western bondage, is not a practice, but a real discipline, which involves kokoro (心), i.e. “the heart, spirit and mind”, things can not be acquired through the mere knowledge of techniques and knots. It is the pleasure you found through the artistic resemblance, and follow by joys come from the absolute trust, honesty and respect.

Person who get tied or Shibari have different emotional experiences. Communication is very important to ensure the session can be conduct smoothly especially for the first timer. Rigger (kinbakushi 緊縛師 or nawashi 縄師) must be able to handle the psyco-physical balance of the partner who get tied. Being forced and immobilized for many people can turn into a true liberation. It is known that in some forms of autism one of the remedies to make the patient feel safe is to make him/her feel immobilized or total given up. The sensation of the bondage with ropes tying up the body may be similar to the effects of vigorous embrace and hence promote the excretion of endorphin which followed by sense of relaxation, and then release from the tension and constraint. The bonded person may also have the feeling of total surrender or offering, which create a sense of absolute freedom. But, all these emotional senses must be based on trust and communication beforehand. A good nawashi passes the rope on the skin in a sensual way, uses it to pat, touch, shake, hold and deter, coerce and manipulate the body of the person bound. The process of tying up by a professional nawashi is indescribable pleasure.

As beginner, start with some simple Kinbaku pattern such as wrist binding (手首縛り) and Cross-legged binding (胡座縛り). But again, communication must come first and both party must be well consent. Patient is also important to build courage and confidence of both party. Soft cotton or nylon rope is preferred for beginner. Mask and other erotic wears can be used by the rigger to enhance the excitement.

Here is the basic step-by-step wrist binding (手首縛り) demonstration by Nanapi:

Step 1: get a rope about 1-2 meter long. Hold it at the middle and make a loop.

Step 2: 

Step 3: 

Step 4: 

Step 5: 

Step 6: 
