Tuesday, October 20

Two Dots -- Get Full Lives Almost Instantly for FREE.

Some players find it boring and some get so addicted to it, Two Dots from Dots.

A simple but mind challenging game. I like the satisfaction of solving the problem, and then to be called genius. But then, there are times that is so frustrating, you fail and keep trying, but there are only 5 precious "lives" which renew every 20 minutes for each.

Therefore, to generate new life, you can either pay for it or try this....
Call it Time Travelling or Back to the Future...

To be detailed, after all the lives spent,
1. Click home, which return you to your phone home screen (the game would be still running at the background).
2. Then go and adjust the date of your phone to one day forward or any future date or time (e.g. today is 21st October 2015, adjust it to 22nd October 2015).
3. Return to the game and you will find that life are now full.
4. Click play and then press the home button again to your phone home screen.
5. Adjust the date back (e.g. 21st October 2015) to prevent confusion.
6. Return to the game again and play!

You may repeat this as many time as you want... FREE OF CHARGE!
Have fun :)