Thursday, December 17

Trying to Cheat Mafia Wars Facebook? Autoplayer

Mafia Wars by Zynga Games has been one of the hottest game worldwide.
I got to admit that I am one of them who "suffering" of this Mafia Wars game fever! Its been a need in my daily life, switch on the computer, first thing is to log in facebook and enter this virtual mafia world...enjoy doing all the dirty jobs, earn money, fighting, gain experiences and level up. Its simple and direct expression of our eagle and compete to be the big boss. Here, you are proud to be evil and destroy your enemy.

Besides the experience and money, loots and collections are the attracting things to obtain. Some you may buy with money but most are obtained by chance when you perform the job or while fighting.
Players start to spend time to fight and fight, in order to gain experience and loots. Well, spending the stamina to fight actually consume a lot of time and boring, how nice there is an autoplayer?
Thanks to the person share this script, I am very happy and excited seeing the autoplayer fight and do the job according to my preset order...and even more addicted with Mafia Wars. However, I think Zynga has found out this and try to band the player...

After the routine update and maintenance by Zynga, they eliminated the autoplayer for awhile...I see the impact, my Mafia Wars buddies activities were seriously drop...can't find their publish of job help, war help or target...haha, guess most of them are using the autoplayer! Without autoplayer, players were lazy to play? waiting for update of the script...

Mafia Wars is a very successful game, perhaps with the aid of the autoplayer?
How far is it true? but for me, without autoplayer, my Mafia Wars activity is truly decrease...

Now, update is here...autoplayer by Steven D.

Wednesday, December 9

Gene Modifying Pill - Straighten or Curly Hair

Gene are inherited from our parents, one copy from mummy and one copy from daddy.
Combination of the genotype will develop different phenotype, which is the appearance or trait that we can see, such as color of eyes, curly or straight hair and etc. So, genes in the genome are the storage of memory of all creature, from the ancestor and slowly evolved until today. It has everything encoded.

Since the discovery of DNA, genetic has been a hot issue and interested by scientist. Human Genome Project conducted almost 13 years and completed in year 2003 has been a huge project to identify the whole picture of every gene in human. Today, another milestone, "curly hair gene" has finally identified.

The groundbreaking research identified the trichohyalin gene as the one that is mainly responsible for creating curls. Although is was already known to play some role in the development of the hair follicle, scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) have now found its role in curliness. Professor Nick Martin, head of the QIMR Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory and author of the research, says it is variation in this gene that determines straightness or curliness of hair.

Following the discovery of this "curly hair gene",  either straight or curly hair baby can be predicted. For criminal investigation, this characteristic gene also can be served as the supporting clue to identify the suspect. Besides, for beauty purpose, straight or curly hair could be possibly alter with just a pill that can simply target and substitute the gene with different variation. Hair straighteners may soon be history, claim scientists who have discovered the "curly hair gene".

Well, hopefully the pill is stable enough, users can enjoy their desire hair style while not causing any genetic disorder trouble.

2012 Game

Choose your 2012.
After the inspiration of exciting survival scene in the movie 2012, now you may try your own with the virtual game online.

Here you have the chance to decide how to end the world in 2012 with various natural disaster, weapons and godly phenomenon. Try it virtually, never in real.

Play Choose Your 2012 At

Friday, December 4

Does Vampire Really Exists?

What or who are vampires?
Pale white skin, blood smelling breath, and red eyes are the most recognized image of a vampire worldwide.
Vampire myths and legends go back thousands of years and according to speculation by literary historian Brian Frost that the "belief in vampires and bloodsucking demons is as old as man himself,"
The modern concept of a vampire retains many of the original traits from the East European stories. For instance, vampire drink blood, prey on humans, only come out at night, and rising from the dead. Other aspects of the Vampire, such as Goth type clothing, cloaks, turning in to bats or wolf are much newer innovations. Some features of vampire based on the old myths are gone, such as seeds over the vampire in order to keep them counting all night, rather than preying on human blood.

The charismatic and sophisticated vampire of modern fiction was born in 1819 with the publication of The Vampyre by John Polidori. The story was highly successful and arguably the most influential vampire work of the early 19th century. However, it is Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula that is remembered as the quintessential vampire novel and which provided the basis of modern vampire fiction.

For more recent, vampire not only sign of horror but can be romantic lover.
Twilight, a series of four vampire-based fantasy romance novels by American author Stephenie Meyer.  While screenplay for Twilight was written by Melissa Rosenberg and has been adapted into a film by Summit Entertainment. It charts a period in the life of Isabella Swan, a teenage girl who moves to Forks, Washington and falls in love with a 104-year-old vampire named Edward Cullen. The four series are Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Down.
Indeed, in year 1998, there was a drama series about love between vampire/zombie and human, My Date with a Vampire. Since that, vampire and zombie become cute and lovely despite horror and killer image in Asian Chinese as well.

Nevertheless, it is really happened that the body of death can't decay underground. According to Chinese Feng Shui, this will cause disaster or curse to the family and the whole generation. From the scientific point of view, the corpse can't decay even after few years is because that the pH of soil is highly unbalanced and not suitable for organic growth. Therefore it will not breed ants, worms or bacteria. The corpse buried even after a century, the muscles, hair and nails still can be well preserved. Sometimes the body hair, nails also may looks like continue to grow, but actually is because of the body's muscle contraction after death which lead to the hidden part of nail and hair under skin been exposed.

This un-degradable corpse has been reported in local news paper too. Even it happened in family of my friend. Three cousin brothers of my friend's family died at very young age for continuously three years. So, they felt something wrong and seeking help of the Feng Shui Master. Then finally they found out that it was something wrong with her grandfather's mother's graveyard. Her ancient granny had been passed away for over 20 years but when they dig out the coffin its still shinny new and even the red cloth tide on the coffin is still bloody red color, no dirt at all!

The Feng Shui Master told them that the body was still completely preserved, but they dare not open the coffin to see their granny. So, after buried at new place and console the spirit properly, perhaps her ancient granny is resting in peace now.

Will these corpse truly can transit into vampire with conscious mind? hopefully not.