(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
This is a good year for the Rat-born. Many of you will enjoy better success luck if you develop patience and be careful not to pick a fight unnecessarily. Try to practice tolerance and do not blow things out of proportion. Your anger will only cause you to miss out on opportunities and hamper good things to come to you. It is when these obstacles are cleared that a Rat person can enjoy good fortune luck and some serious prosperity luck in 2011. Those in managerial and patriarchal/matriarchal positions will enjoy good luck and big success thanks to the General Star and two Big Auspicious Big stars brought by the 24 mountains constellation. Remember to keep the quarrelsome energy in control. Watch out for slander, gossip and office politics and do not let trivial things to develop into big problems. Although the Rat will become successful during this year, you should be very careful to not push your boundaries; many people may see you as becoming ego-centric, arrogant and loud-mouthed.
(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
The Ox born person will enjoy a surge of good fortune in the year of the Rabbit 2011 because the star of Golden deity is in your direction and you’re also flanked by two Big Auspicious stars brought by the 24 Mountain constellations. The Golden Deity star brings support from the heavens. You’re also blessed by the auspicious number 1 white star which brings victory and success luck. You will have better edge over your competitor. You’re in your element this year and big successes are coming on their way into your life. However, you are slightly afflicted by the hostility star #3 which could attract court cases and litigations. Watch out for envious and jealous foes.
(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
In the year 2011. the Tiger born person enjoys the lucky White Flying Star #1 which brings victory and triumph. The Tiger will have high potential to achieving goals and for winning your competition. Success luck in achieving attainment improves a lot as you are also supported by the Heaven Seal Luck in the constellation of the 24 Mountain stars which brings assistance from the higher level. Mentor luck is good. Opportunities abound. The Tiger sign also benefits from the Big Auspicious star indicating at least one breakthrough will come to you this year. On the negative side, you are indirectly afflicted by the misfortune Five Yellow star. Aggravations and setbacks caused by this star will be more likely brought by a Rabbit person. It’s going to be an exciting year for you if you do not let the nearby Five Yellow spoil things for you and prevent you from reaping the full benefits of the lucky stars in your home direction.
(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
The Rabbit year 2011 is not a good year for those born in the Rabbit year. Its home direction East is hit by the malignant Five Yellow #5 star in full force. This cosmic affliction brings illness, misfortune, negative outcomes and hardships. Ensure that you do not cause too much noise in this sector – no renovation, banging, knocking or loud music. 2011 is also a particularly challenging year for the Rabbit because of the Three Killings aiming at you from the opposite – West. There is indication of loss of reputation, wealth and relationships. Stay upbeat and be more careful. Don’t be impatient and impulsive in chasing success and wealth as you are more likely to come out defeated than otherwise. Good news is that Tai Sui in on your side this year so you have some kind of a rescue net to fall back on but don’t push your luck too much.
(1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)
The Dragon-born will have a better year than last year. As heaven luck from the star #6 is in your home direction, you will find your success luck improves and setbacks to be minor. In addition to this, you will be granted with assistance from those around you, allowing you to overcome any obstacles you face and allow for smooth sailing. You will experience unexpected victory and a series of small but meaningful victories provided the malicious five yellow in your chart is kept under control. It’s prudent to keep yourself protected from this star to ensure you make the most of your good fortune in 2011. Do not stress yourself too much this year with work. You should take good care of your health and well being. Do not be impatient by going after some big deal and eyeing only on the big prize. Think long term, stay grounded and steadily build your foundation and you are more assured of success. This is a year to build strong foundation for the future.
(1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
It’s another great year for the Snake born in 2011. All indications of your cosmic forces and Feng Shui winds blowing your way are positive which means you will enjoy auspicious good fortune luck. Your luck is on a roll so strike while it’s hot because it’s not often you have so many lucky stars congregate in your chart like this year. You are certain to achieve in full measure on whatever you set your mind on doing. You’ll find yourself benefit from the Heaven #6 star as well as some very powerful 24 Mountain stars helping you. Success luck is excellent so do not waste the year. Opportunities can be seized easily. Aim high. Put your ideas and plans into action and watch it leapfrog, grow and expand! If you take care of your health and do not let the indirect illness energy affect you, you will enjoy superlative luck in 2011.
(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
In 2011 the year of the Rabbit, you are flanked by two Big Auspicious Stars from the 24 Mountain Constellations, indicating something great coming into your life. However, your main concern this year is your health as you are plagued by the Illness Flying Star #2. You are also hit by the Reducing Energy Star, therefore, you must drum up your enthusiasm inside you so that you can overcome any hindrances that obstruct your progress this year. If you are able to keep your energy level high and keep charging forward despite the setbacks, this year can be exceptional. Although you will find yourself excelling in areas of your life such as business, career and fortune finding, all of these benefits will come at the decline of your health – this is further worsened due to lower energy levels. During the year 2011, you must very cautious about your health and take care to maintain a safe lifestyle.
(1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
People born in the year of Sheep will have a mix of good and bad in 2011. You will be blessed with the revitalization of romance and relationships luck – this is because the Star of Love and Romance will be in your area. However, this will cause some problems in your career or business, because you will be blinded, and will therefore be more susceptible to distractions. Domestic issues and family well-being will engage your attention quite seriously this year with love, romance, marriage and domestic matters taking precedence over work and business related issues. The Peach Blossom influence in your chart brings passion into your relationships. If you are single, you will find your romantic life active, sometimes even for the married. But for some, this star might manifest as infidelity and attract third party interference into the marriage. Apart from relationships, the Sheep will find success in academic pursuits, as their educational luck will be very high this year.
(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
People born in the year of Monkey will have a better year compared to last year but nevertheless still challenging. Chances of achieving your goal improves. However, you may feel restless, distracted and convinced that you are not at your best at work. It’s better not to make any major changes this year. Instead, work at sustaining your own inner confidence. There’s an indication of some kind of loss this year – not from burglary, but loss that has to do with you taking things for granted e.g. friendship or support from an influential person. You may get sidelined from politicking so be more sensitive with the events happening around you. The Monkey-born is indirectly hit by the Three Killings which can bring some danger. Your credibility and reputation could be tarnished. Good news is that you will have the energy and strength to pull through the year. Trust your instincts and ask for help when needed. Visited by the Peach Blossom Star #4, your love luck is promising! A good year to get married. Those who are married will find new passion in their marriage. Those who are single could find an ideal suitor. Don’t let yourself succumb to temptation and bad influence outside of your marriage and your family life. Education luck is also good. Good year to take up courses to improve yourself.
(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
The Rooster will face some big challenges in the year 2011. You have the most inauspicious forecast as the result of Natural Disaster Star sitting in your home direction and two Three Killings Stars flanking your location. Rooster-born is also confronting the Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui) and this is considered a very nasty affliction. It’s not completely bad. Your inner chi strength is high so you will be able to ride out the turbulences of the year. The powerful star of 9 (future prosperity star) is in your chart as well so it’s a good year to be ambitious and set your sights on higher level positions. Plan well and strategize.
(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
Your cosmic winds bring excellent prospects and wealth luck as the prosperity star #8 flies into your location in 2011. You also have the Small Auspicious Star in your chart which indicates a Dog person will enjoy some good fortune and small successes, possibly contributed by a Boar person. However, the 24 Mountain Constellations do not entirely bode well with your zodiac sign with the Star of 3 Killings and Yearly Conflict sitting in your location and spoiling your luck. These stars bring envious people who might try to harm you and cause obstacles to your endeavors. With poor Inner Essence and Life Force, you are susceptible to bad intention of rivals and competitors. It’s advisable to slow down your work pace and simply go with the flow this year. 2011 is not a year to aggressively pursue big ambitions and dreams. It’s important to stay optimistic and control your temper. With that and coupled with the right feng shui products, this year will be liberally sprinkled with good news and exciting developments that bring a smile to your face.
(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)
The Boar-born enjoys the good fortune of prosperity-bringing #8 star in the Northwest sector in 2011. You’ll find plenty of opportunities to expand your assets and wealth this year. You also enjoy fabulous indications from the 24 Mountain Constellation stars namely the magnifying Yi Duo Star and both the Small and Big Auspicious Stars. The presence of these highly auspicious stars will help suppress weaker indications in your element forecast – which suggests that success luck is downgraded with obstructions to your projects or completion of deals, making this year not as good as last year. All in all, this year will be a cheerful one filled with good news and successes.
Tuesday, December 21
Wednesday, November 10
Best Moment
Long long night sleeping with all the alphabets and numbers...trying the very best pushing everything into my head...
The purpose of life at this particular moment is just to get the exam passed!
And.. yes!
Long holidays following by and that's the best dessert after the bitter..
Grab a hot tea break.. hanging out.. talking crabs.. wonderful afternoon can be just that simple..
Pick up the other part on hold..switching.. switching.. buzz.. buzz..
New annotation of life.. feeding the effort producing success..while snatching some humanity..
The purpose of life at this particular moment is just to get the exam passed!
And.. yes!
Long holidays following by and that's the best dessert after the bitter..
Grab a hot tea break.. hanging out.. talking crabs.. wonderful afternoon can be just that simple..
Pick up the other part on hold..switching.. switching.. buzz.. buzz..
New annotation of life.. feeding the effort producing success..while snatching some humanity..
Wednesday, October 6
Frankenfood - genetically modified food
Do biotechnology improve quality of living or the other way round instead?
First transgenic farm animal for human consumption is being considered to be approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in United States. AquAdvantage Salmon is genetically engineered for rapid growth with two stretches of foreign DNA, a growth hormone gene with an antifreeze protein promoter. These Frankensalmon hold a 20-fold growth advantage over non-genetically modified salmon.
Both Food and Drug Administration staff and the salmon's maker, Aqua Bounty Technologies Inc, have said the fast-growing fish appears to be the same as normal Atlantic salmon and poses little threat to the environment or diners. But some consumer advocates, environmentalists and others have protested the move. They say there is not enough data to show that eating the genetically modified salmon does not cause side effects such as allergic reactions or that accidental escape will not harm other fish.
The FDA has already allowed modified animals as pets or to help produce biologic medicines. Genetically engineered vegetables such as corn have been on the market for years.
Aqua Bounty Chief Executive Officer Ronald Stotish told the FDA's panel of outside experts that approval could help provide the "healthy kind of diet that Americans are used to" amid threats from overfishing and increased demand. Without it, "it's hard to imagine how we'll meet the protein needs of the developing population over the next 20 to 30 years."
Critics, including groups like Consumers Union, the Center for Food Safety and Food and Water Watch, say Aqua Bounty has not done sufficient studies to prove its fish is safe. They also criticize the FDA for allowing just 14 days for the public to review the data even though the company submitted its bid more than a decade ago.
Indeed, the FDA notes evidence of "increased frequency of skeletal malformations, and increased prevalence of jaw erosions and multisystemic, focal inflammation" in the tissues of AquAdvantage Salmon. However, the FDA dismisses these findings as "within the range observed in rapid growth phenotypes of non-genetically engineered Atlantic salmon." In other words, the abnormalities they found were no worse than those currently farmed salmon for accelerated growth through other means.
Up to 80 percent of factory-farmed salmon in Chile have suffered from “screamer disease,” in which severe facial disfigurements lock their jaws permanently agape. Whist, in Norway, “humpback” spinal compression deformities have been found in 70 percent of salmon operations. In fact, these abnormalities have been linked to the physiological stress of intensive production.
Ironically, Aqua Bounty argues that the list of health disorders their fish suffer from could be seen as an advantage in that "any escapees from containment would be less capable of surviving". These genetically modified fish grow at such a rate that the metabolic demands might help preclude their survival in nature, make them less likely to create ecological havoc should they escape into the wild.
Concern about transgenic farm animals doesn't end at the waters edge. The FDA's logic for evaluating biotechnology could mean approval for transgenic calves born so freakishly huge that they can only be extracted via Caesarian section. There are breeds of such genetically defective "double-muscled" cattle that have been created. Chickens have already been bred for such rapid muscling that billions suffer in chronic pain every year in the United States from skeletal disorders that impair their ability to even walk and so a transgenic avian cripple would fit right in using the FDA's rationale. Right now, hens lay so many eggs that they risk prolapse, laying their own uterus. Up to a quarter of dairy cows are clinically lame and turkeys are now so top-heavy that they are physically incapable of mating.
All of these abominations exist today are the products of conventional techniques of genetic manipulation.
We might not know that demand of protein source for the developing population over the next 20 to 30 years could be solved by Frankenfood, but definitely, the creation of transgenic farm animals is giving agribusiness an additional tool to stress animals to their biological limits at the expense of their health and welfare.
Ridiculously, FDA shall come out with the rationale that these Frankenanimals are just "an invention" of biotechnology, nothing more like manufacturing of machine or electronic gadgets. Would you fight for the welfare of your iPhone or Playstation?
First transgenic farm animal for human consumption is being considered to be approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in United States. AquAdvantage Salmon is genetically engineered for rapid growth with two stretches of foreign DNA, a growth hormone gene with an antifreeze protein promoter. These Frankensalmon hold a 20-fold growth advantage over non-genetically modified salmon.
Both Food and Drug Administration staff and the salmon's maker, Aqua Bounty Technologies Inc, have said the fast-growing fish appears to be the same as normal Atlantic salmon and poses little threat to the environment or diners. But some consumer advocates, environmentalists and others have protested the move. They say there is not enough data to show that eating the genetically modified salmon does not cause side effects such as allergic reactions or that accidental escape will not harm other fish.
The FDA has already allowed modified animals as pets or to help produce biologic medicines. Genetically engineered vegetables such as corn have been on the market for years.
Aqua Bounty Chief Executive Officer Ronald Stotish told the FDA's panel of outside experts that approval could help provide the "healthy kind of diet that Americans are used to" amid threats from overfishing and increased demand. Without it, "it's hard to imagine how we'll meet the protein needs of the developing population over the next 20 to 30 years."
Critics, including groups like Consumers Union, the Center for Food Safety and Food and Water Watch, say Aqua Bounty has not done sufficient studies to prove its fish is safe. They also criticize the FDA for allowing just 14 days for the public to review the data even though the company submitted its bid more than a decade ago.
Indeed, the FDA notes evidence of "increased frequency of skeletal malformations, and increased prevalence of jaw erosions and multisystemic, focal inflammation" in the tissues of AquAdvantage Salmon. However, the FDA dismisses these findings as "within the range observed in rapid growth phenotypes of non-genetically engineered Atlantic salmon." In other words, the abnormalities they found were no worse than those currently farmed salmon for accelerated growth through other means.
Up to 80 percent of factory-farmed salmon in Chile have suffered from “screamer disease,” in which severe facial disfigurements lock their jaws permanently agape. Whist, in Norway, “humpback” spinal compression deformities have been found in 70 percent of salmon operations. In fact, these abnormalities have been linked to the physiological stress of intensive production.
Ironically, Aqua Bounty argues that the list of health disorders their fish suffer from could be seen as an advantage in that "any escapees from containment would be less capable of surviving". These genetically modified fish grow at such a rate that the metabolic demands might help preclude their survival in nature, make them less likely to create ecological havoc should they escape into the wild.
Concern about transgenic farm animals doesn't end at the waters edge. The FDA's logic for evaluating biotechnology could mean approval for transgenic calves born so freakishly huge that they can only be extracted via Caesarian section. There are breeds of such genetically defective "double-muscled" cattle that have been created. Chickens have already been bred for such rapid muscling that billions suffer in chronic pain every year in the United States from skeletal disorders that impair their ability to even walk and so a transgenic avian cripple would fit right in using the FDA's rationale. Right now, hens lay so many eggs that they risk prolapse, laying their own uterus. Up to a quarter of dairy cows are clinically lame and turkeys are now so top-heavy that they are physically incapable of mating.
All of these abominations exist today are the products of conventional techniques of genetic manipulation.
We might not know that demand of protein source for the developing population over the next 20 to 30 years could be solved by Frankenfood, but definitely, the creation of transgenic farm animals is giving agribusiness an additional tool to stress animals to their biological limits at the expense of their health and welfare.
Ridiculously, FDA shall come out with the rationale that these Frankenanimals are just "an invention" of biotechnology, nothing more like manufacturing of machine or electronic gadgets. Would you fight for the welfare of your iPhone or Playstation?
Sunday, September 12
Piranha 2010 - summer buffet for the fish
I was sitting and took couple of minutes to recall but still, I can't remember what was so horror about "Jaws" in my memory... except its "te ren.........te ren.....teren..terenterenterenteren.." sound effect...
Well, with the technology and graphic effects, Piranha 2010 is definitely more "real"...
Piranha is kind of fresh water fish that is an omnivorous that inhabits in South America river. They are known for their sharp teeth and a voracious appetite for meat. In the movie, this species of piranha had in fact extinct, however, survived in under ground lake and being released after the earth tremors tear open a crack in the lake floor.
As usual, "tourists" are designed as the prey for those horrifying creature, piranha. Every year the population of sleepy Lake Havasu explodes from 5,000 to 50,000 for a single, wild weekend - the 4th of July, a riot of sun, drunken fun and sex-crazed mayhem. The scene run around sexy and joyful party. Then, started with the first bite at the butt of a pink lady, the scene then full of disgusting blood and scream.
Eyes drop off and eaten, face pealed off, half body missing and left over the skeleton... the one I like the most and amused me was, there were two guys helping and moving a lady who was injured to the shore...but one of the guy carelessly fall down and that pulling the lady's body into half!! hahaha...and the cast "girl cut in half" was starring by Nancy Walters.
The way of presenting the story is rather conservative and ordinary, not much surprises to me (besides the girl cut in half), but the graphic effects and sexy girls do enriched the whole movie.
Well, with the technology and graphic effects, Piranha 2010 is definitely more "real"...
Piranha is kind of fresh water fish that is an omnivorous that inhabits in South America river. They are known for their sharp teeth and a voracious appetite for meat. In the movie, this species of piranha had in fact extinct, however, survived in under ground lake and being released after the earth tremors tear open a crack in the lake floor.
As usual, "tourists" are designed as the prey for those horrifying creature, piranha. Every year the population of sleepy Lake Havasu explodes from 5,000 to 50,000 for a single, wild weekend - the 4th of July, a riot of sun, drunken fun and sex-crazed mayhem. The scene run around sexy and joyful party. Then, started with the first bite at the butt of a pink lady, the scene then full of disgusting blood and scream.
Eyes drop off and eaten, face pealed off, half body missing and left over the skeleton... the one I like the most and amused me was, there were two guys helping and moving a lady who was injured to the shore...but one of the guy carelessly fall down and that pulling the lady's body into half!! hahaha...and the cast "girl cut in half" was starring by Nancy Walters.
The way of presenting the story is rather conservative and ordinary, not much surprises to me (besides the girl cut in half), but the graphic effects and sexy girls do enriched the whole movie.
Wednesday, September 8
Crystal Enhancing Luck
There are many kind of crystal elements found in earth and even aerospace out of earth.
Regarding the myths that crystal could amplify, boost or enhance the luck have been barely shown by scientifically measurement of vibration energy and conductive characteristic. But luck is not measurable.
Human body composed of carbon, water elements, atoms, molecules, cells and yes, its just biological machine...and then installed with our soul...with intelligence and justification. The energy come from food we eat are for the function of biological machine, whereas "the diet" for our mental is usually neglected.
I don't know how crystal could actually enhanced the luck or improve the life but there are list of crystal stones with various kind of claimed attributes. Based on my Ba Zi (data of birth date and time), I have not enough of fire element and therefore crystal with fire element and also with emotional stabilizing effect will be suitable for myself...
After 4 hour of careful selection and consideration, I got my Agate Star of David necklace, Red Agate wrist band and Rutile wrist band. Agate mainly for health, social, relationship, talent, balanced the body ion charge and stabilized emotion Rutile for wealth accumulation, balanced and stabilized temper and emotion.
If luck really can be bought, cost of these crystals and the consultation would be very worthy.
I'll see..
p/s: the necklace went missing not even a week...haha...hope someone pick it will have good luck as me! !#@$!$@
Regarding the myths that crystal could amplify, boost or enhance the luck have been barely shown by scientifically measurement of vibration energy and conductive characteristic. But luck is not measurable.
Human body composed of carbon, water elements, atoms, molecules, cells and yes, its just biological machine...and then installed with our soul...with intelligence and justification. The energy come from food we eat are for the function of biological machine, whereas "the diet" for our mental is usually neglected.
I don't know how crystal could actually enhanced the luck or improve the life but there are list of crystal stones with various kind of claimed attributes. Based on my Ba Zi (data of birth date and time), I have not enough of fire element and therefore crystal with fire element and also with emotional stabilizing effect will be suitable for myself...
After 4 hour of careful selection and consideration, I got my Agate Star of David necklace, Red Agate wrist band and Rutile wrist band. Agate mainly for health, social, relationship, talent, balanced the body ion charge and stabilized emotion Rutile for wealth accumulation, balanced and stabilized temper and emotion.
If luck really can be bought, cost of these crystals and the consultation would be very worthy.
I'll see..
p/s: the necklace went missing not even a week...haha...hope someone pick it will have good luck as me! !#@$!$@
Wednesday, August 25
Optimistic or Pessimistic
Today I am definitely different from yesterday.
I always feel lost in the crowd surrounded by strangers...drowning...
I am trying to grab on somebody but I see no one for me.
Life journey is rather lonely.
I don't know anyone here.
I don't even know myself.
I am changing...taking up the appearance I wanna be...and slowly I forget who was me?
It doesn't matter...
I was told to be optimistic and I do believe I am.
But sometimes I am doubt... am I?
What's behind my laughter? who knows?
Or perhaps I am just too pessimistic to this world...
Nothing seems to bother me because reality is too sorry to be known.
Well, I am dying very soon.
And this is the reason cheers me.
I always feel lost in the crowd surrounded by strangers...drowning...
I am trying to grab on somebody but I see no one for me.
Life journey is rather lonely.
I don't know anyone here.
I don't even know myself.
I am changing...taking up the appearance I wanna be...and slowly I forget who was me?
It doesn't matter...
I was told to be optimistic and I do believe I am.
But sometimes I am doubt... am I?
What's behind my laughter? who knows?
Or perhaps I am just too pessimistic to this world...
Nothing seems to bother me because reality is too sorry to be known.
Well, I am dying very soon.
And this is the reason cheers me.
Sunday, August 15
World of Organization - Boss are all bad?
"Organization", based on my understanding is a structure that enabling one man stepping on hundreds or thousands of others head.. Not a good nor bad issue to discuss here.. but its a system to magnify the man power in order to complete something huge or achieve some mission..therefore, the man step on the top is the manager...while those working under his command with wages are employees...
A study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers which had conducted by Gallup Organization for 25 years, was published in a book called First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently
... an interesting book with surprising finding...
Says to a company...
If you are losing good people, look to their immediate boss. Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he is also the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge, experience and contacts with them, straight to the competition.
"People leave managers not companies"
HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave, but a thought has been planted. The second time that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job. When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information.
"If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don 't have your heart and soul in the job."
Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents.
Yet, unsatisfied employee would wonder how "the boss" can be the boss?? why the company or the organization appoint he or she as "the boss"? Yes, this is how the "Organization" system works, the top can never hear from the most bottom, because there are so many filters blocking at the middle..and in fact the organization has purposely set up these filter.. there are never such a reason that manager be fired because employees are not satisfy with his way of treating the staffs...
"Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't"
So, if you are consider yourself a talent, choose for better employer OR stay to learn how to kiss the ass of the boss and be patient.. waiting for an opportunity to rule the organization yourself..
Good luck.
A study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers which had conducted by Gallup Organization for 25 years, was published in a book called First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently
Says to a company...
If you are losing good people, look to their immediate boss. Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he is also the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge, experience and contacts with them, straight to the competition.
"People leave managers not companies"
HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave, but a thought has been planted. The second time that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job. When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information.
"If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don 't have your heart and soul in the job."
Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents.
Yet, unsatisfied employee would wonder how "the boss" can be the boss?? why the company or the organization appoint he or she as "the boss"? Yes, this is how the "Organization" system works, the top can never hear from the most bottom, because there are so many filters blocking at the middle..and in fact the organization has purposely set up these filter.. there are never such a reason that manager be fired because employees are not satisfy with his way of treating the staffs...
"Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't"
So, if you are consider yourself a talent, choose for better employer OR stay to learn how to kiss the ass of the boss and be patient.. waiting for an opportunity to rule the organization yourself..
Good luck.
Sunday, August 1
Life is all about love
Great love and great achievements involve great risk.
I wonder how I would be when I am age 70?
I used to make my mum angry and sad. I thought I am not closed to her. She knows nothing about me. As time pass by, she get older and older, and I just realized the last time we hug each other was my age 10. Once before I have a lots of friends, I enjoyed my time with friends, they were all I had... I hate my family, I don't like my mum, I teased my brothers were useless and dump. But, one day I realize friends would have to be separated one day but your family is always there for you no matter how much you hate them. Then, life will teach you the lesson.
What we needs is actually very simple -- attention.
Kids need attention, so as adults and old folks need attention.
We want somebody to look at us. When we love someone, we are actually paying attention to somebody and in return, we need to be attended too. In other words, we need company, we need joys, we need affection, we need love and beloved. But, there are risk that if we are grief to someone or attached to someone, we are exposing to risk of getting hurt or sadness if the situation change or the someone leave. So, shall we hold back?
In Buddhists, everything is impermanent.
We have to experience the life ourselves, let the good or the bad penetrate fully, then only you learn how to leave it. Take any emotion, love for a woman, grief for a loved one or fear and pain from death...if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to being detached, you are afraid of pain, afraid of the grief and afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.
Allow yourself to dive in the emotions, experience them fully and completely. Then you know what pain is, what love is and what grief is...then only you can say, "Alright, I have experienced that emotion, I knew it, so I can detach from that emotion now."
I have let the emotion penetrate myself fully. It was very happy when we have fun together and it was very painful for me when they left. I was very suffer at that time but I never regret, it was a wonderful and fantastic love lesson I have ever had :D
I have detached, because I have penetrated, I have understand and I have know the beauty of love.
To my mother, to my family, to my lover, to my friends, to my pass... I am who I am today because of you...
I love you :D
I wonder how I would be when I am age 70?
I used to make my mum angry and sad. I thought I am not closed to her. She knows nothing about me. As time pass by, she get older and older, and I just realized the last time we hug each other was my age 10. Once before I have a lots of friends, I enjoyed my time with friends, they were all I had... I hate my family, I don't like my mum, I teased my brothers were useless and dump. But, one day I realize friends would have to be separated one day but your family is always there for you no matter how much you hate them. Then, life will teach you the lesson.
What we needs is actually very simple -- attention.
Kids need attention, so as adults and old folks need attention.
We want somebody to look at us. When we love someone, we are actually paying attention to somebody and in return, we need to be attended too. In other words, we need company, we need joys, we need affection, we need love and beloved. But, there are risk that if we are grief to someone or attached to someone, we are exposing to risk of getting hurt or sadness if the situation change or the someone leave. So, shall we hold back?
In Buddhists, everything is impermanent.
We have to experience the life ourselves, let the good or the bad penetrate fully, then only you learn how to leave it. Take any emotion, love for a woman, grief for a loved one or fear and pain from death...if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to being detached, you are afraid of pain, afraid of the grief and afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.
Allow yourself to dive in the emotions, experience them fully and completely. Then you know what pain is, what love is and what grief is...then only you can say, "Alright, I have experienced that emotion, I knew it, so I can detach from that emotion now."
I have let the emotion penetrate myself fully. It was very happy when we have fun together and it was very painful for me when they left. I was very suffer at that time but I never regret, it was a wonderful and fantastic love lesson I have ever had :D
I have detached, because I have penetrated, I have understand and I have know the beauty of love.
To my mother, to my family, to my lover, to my friends, to my pass... I am who I am today because of you...
I love you :D
Wednesday, July 21
Self Recognize
How true that you know about yourself?
Mindset, characteristic, behavior and fate are all linked and affecting each other. When you think that you know about yourself and you know what you want, that's not true. That's actually how you want yourself to be.
Our body is a machine. Programed by the brain. Well, the brain is driven by the soul.
Indeed, we can easily program our body, but why still we do something we dislike, but we have to do it or acting it? That's so called logic and knowledge.
Our behavior is constrain by what we learn in the pass -- experience.
The things we see, we hear, we learn. Therefore, if you want to be optimistic, watch comedy movie, listen to more laughter, talk with friends who makes a lot of fun, then you gain the experience of happiness, then you behave happily and attracting more and more happiness in your life.
Well, it does not mean that a happy person does not has any worries or sadness. We do have a lot of challenges in life, but some people may see them passively while some do not care of them and they can be happy still. Problem is still there, but just that do you think worries or sadness could help to solve the problem? No. Focus on what makes you happy and confident, then good things will come. So simple! This is the way that our body machine work.
Considered moral values we had learn since we are young, and those values make us "educated". But, are we really accept these values in the bottom heart? Yes, some people do. But most of us are in between, conflict with ourselves. And some they just admit, yes, I break the moral, I did something "bad" in the sense of moral, but I don't feel anything wrong. This is the stage of "thick" where you don't bother how people look at you and you have just need to responsible to your own yourself.
The spirit of black thick does not teach you to judge good or bad. Indeed, there is neither good nor bad in this world, life is just a journey, all you have to learn is to enjoy yourself. Therefore, recognize yourself, be good with yourself, learn and configure yourself, and the first thing to do is to forget about yourself. Let go of all the constrain and forget about impossible, can not be, or whatsoever.
Get reborn and know yourself all over again.
Mindset, characteristic, behavior and fate are all linked and affecting each other. When you think that you know about yourself and you know what you want, that's not true. That's actually how you want yourself to be.
Our body is a machine. Programed by the brain. Well, the brain is driven by the soul.
Indeed, we can easily program our body, but why still we do something we dislike, but we have to do it or acting it? That's so called logic and knowledge.
Our behavior is constrain by what we learn in the pass -- experience.
The things we see, we hear, we learn. Therefore, if you want to be optimistic, watch comedy movie, listen to more laughter, talk with friends who makes a lot of fun, then you gain the experience of happiness, then you behave happily and attracting more and more happiness in your life.
Well, it does not mean that a happy person does not has any worries or sadness. We do have a lot of challenges in life, but some people may see them passively while some do not care of them and they can be happy still. Problem is still there, but just that do you think worries or sadness could help to solve the problem? No. Focus on what makes you happy and confident, then good things will come. So simple! This is the way that our body machine work.
Considered moral values we had learn since we are young, and those values make us "educated". But, are we really accept these values in the bottom heart? Yes, some people do. But most of us are in between, conflict with ourselves. And some they just admit, yes, I break the moral, I did something "bad" in the sense of moral, but I don't feel anything wrong. This is the stage of "thick" where you don't bother how people look at you and you have just need to responsible to your own yourself.
The spirit of black thick does not teach you to judge good or bad. Indeed, there is neither good nor bad in this world, life is just a journey, all you have to learn is to enjoy yourself. Therefore, recognize yourself, be good with yourself, learn and configure yourself, and the first thing to do is to forget about yourself. Let go of all the constrain and forget about impossible, can not be, or whatsoever.
Get reborn and know yourself all over again.
Tuesday, June 15
The Karate Kid 2010 - Never Say Never
The Karate Kid, also known as The Kung Fu Kid in China and Best Kid in Japan and South Korea, is a 2010 American/Chinese martial arts of the 1984 film of the same name.
The classic 80's film The Karate Kid starring Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita as Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi. While this 2010 was directed by Harald Zwart, produced by Will Smith, and the remake stars Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith.
The plot concerns a 12-year-old boy from Detroit who moves to China with his mother and incurs the wrath of the neighborhood bully. He makes an unlikely ally in the form of his aging maintenance man, Mr. Han, a kung fu master who teaches him the secrets to defense himself and finally became kung fu champion.
The message from the movie is pretty direct where bad guys were so bad, bully the weak (quite violence and no police in China it seems), the bad kung fu master was inputting the cruel fighting or killing skill to the kids, whose subsequently bully others in school with their kung fu. While the good master emphasize on self defense, art of kung fu in life and avoid fighting. The one being bullied, get proper trained, won the kung fu championship and get over his fear. Dre Parker had successfully shown that to stand up from the place you fall. Never say never.
Perhaps Jackie Chan has admitted the truth of his aging, let the young play the role now. In this "The Karate Kid", I think he has played his part very well. Not like most of his previous productions, only highlight on his kung fu movement and heroic legend. I still remembered one of the "horrible" match that stars Jackie Chan and Kim Hee Seon in "The Myth", the girl was so pretty and young but Jackie Chan...err...like (grand)father and little girl =.="...
The Karate Kid 2010, not fighting against other but fight with your own fear and challenge in life.
The classic 80's film The Karate Kid starring Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita as Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi. While this 2010 was directed by Harald Zwart, produced by Will Smith, and the remake stars Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith.
The plot concerns a 12-year-old boy from Detroit who moves to China with his mother and incurs the wrath of the neighborhood bully. He makes an unlikely ally in the form of his aging maintenance man, Mr. Han, a kung fu master who teaches him the secrets to defense himself and finally became kung fu champion.
The message from the movie is pretty direct where bad guys were so bad, bully the weak (quite violence and no police in China it seems), the bad kung fu master was inputting the cruel fighting or killing skill to the kids, whose subsequently bully others in school with their kung fu. While the good master emphasize on self defense, art of kung fu in life and avoid fighting. The one being bullied, get proper trained, won the kung fu championship and get over his fear. Dre Parker had successfully shown that to stand up from the place you fall. Never say never.
Perhaps Jackie Chan has admitted the truth of his aging, let the young play the role now. In this "The Karate Kid", I think he has played his part very well. Not like most of his previous productions, only highlight on his kung fu movement and heroic legend. I still remembered one of the "horrible" match that stars Jackie Chan and Kim Hee Seon in "The Myth", the girl was so pretty and young but Jackie Chan...err...like (grand)father and little girl =.="...
The Karate Kid 2010, not fighting against other but fight with your own fear and challenge in life.
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith
Sunday, June 13
With a choice... it all begins
I like this phase from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, it all begins... with a choice.
Since the last two episodes, a lot of things changed... choices that made a lot of things became different... it doesn't matter good or bad but its life...just like the movie...
Isabella Swan, a normal human, in love with vampire Edward Cullen. At the same time, werewolves Jacob Black whose destiny to pull Bella back against the vampire.
Bella is struggled to choose either one relationship, true love or friendship? (perhaps its not just friendship, but the feeling, life, family and something more than love?)
Will Bella choose for immortality? Besides the romance, the movie also plotted around fighting, revenge and sacrifice, between vampires, werewolves and human.
"Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever..." ~ Edward Cullen
All yours by Metric
Since the last two episodes, a lot of things changed... choices that made a lot of things became different... it doesn't matter good or bad but its life...just like the movie...
Isabella Swan, a normal human, in love with vampire Edward Cullen. At the same time, werewolves Jacob Black whose destiny to pull Bella back against the vampire.
Bella is struggled to choose either one relationship, true love or friendship? (perhaps its not just friendship, but the feeling, life, family and something more than love?)
Will Bella choose for immortality? Besides the romance, the movie also plotted around fighting, revenge and sacrifice, between vampires, werewolves and human.
"Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever..." ~ Edward Cullen
All yours by Metric
Saturday, June 5
Sattelite TV, PCTV, World TV,
I remembered once before I was so addicted with TV.The first thing to do after finished school and reached at home was to switch on the TV!
Eat in front of TV, sleep in front of TV, go toilet only when advertising time. Although the programs of government cable TV (sometimes) were boring and out of date, I was still able to sit there for hours...move only when it was necessary!
Then later, we have our first video tape decoder. Rented video tapes, I could finished up the whole drama series "The Deer and the Cauldron" within 5 days non stop watching! Hahaha... and my mum keep the decoder locked in her cabinet =.="
Later on VCD, DVD, and now all kind of subscribed TV channels.
All I have to pay per subscription per episode or monthly fees though I am not watching them in most of the time because of working. Well, thinking to canceled the subscription, but that might be my weekends entertainment...
Here now the new era, no more cable, decoder, satellite dish, but just a software!
Just installed the Satellite TV software in your PC or laptop or any supporting device, you can enjoy the TV channels worldwide! (of cause with internet connection )
PC Satellite TV is basically proprietary software that allows you to tap into some of the latest "Place Shifting" Technology to watch thousands of different channels from around the world. TV to PC surpasses conventional TV due to its ability to broadcast channels from all over the world and stream them right over your I.P (internet Protocol) in full digital quality to your PC.
And for me the best thing is I only have to pay once!
A few of popular satellite TV software
1. SatelliteDirect
2. Stream Direct TV
3. PC Satellite TV Box
4. TV Online
5. Software De Tv En LÃnea
6. Satellite PC Pro
7. Easy TV
8. MyFreeiTV
The software function and feature of the package provide by each company are more or less the same, just have to try it whether it is friendly to you, and also, beware of good after sales service (e.g. free update service)
Now you can enjoy thousands channels worldwide anytime anywhere!
Cool huh..
Eat in front of TV, sleep in front of TV, go toilet only when advertising time. Although the programs of government cable TV (sometimes) were boring and out of date, I was still able to sit there for hours...move only when it was necessary!
Then later, we have our first video tape decoder. Rented video tapes, I could finished up the whole drama series "The Deer and the Cauldron" within 5 days non stop watching! Hahaha... and my mum keep the decoder locked in her cabinet =.="
Later on VCD, DVD, and now all kind of subscribed TV channels.
All I have to pay per subscription per episode or monthly fees though I am not watching them in most of the time because of working. Well, thinking to canceled the subscription, but that might be my weekends entertainment...
Here now the new era, no more cable, decoder, satellite dish, but just a software!
Just installed the Satellite TV software in your PC or laptop or any supporting device, you can enjoy the TV channels worldwide! (of cause with internet connection )
PC Satellite TV is basically proprietary software that allows you to tap into some of the latest "Place Shifting" Technology to watch thousands of different channels from around the world. TV to PC surpasses conventional TV due to its ability to broadcast channels from all over the world and stream them right over your I.P (internet Protocol) in full digital quality to your PC.
And for me the best thing is I only have to pay once!
A few of popular satellite TV software
1. SatelliteDirect
2. Stream Direct TV
3. PC Satellite TV Box
4. TV Online
5. Software De Tv En LÃnea
6. Satellite PC Pro
7. Easy TV
8. MyFreeiTV
The software function and feature of the package provide by each company are more or less the same, just have to try it whether it is friendly to you, and also, beware of good after sales service (e.g. free update service)
Now you can enjoy thousands channels worldwide anytime anywhere!
Cool huh..
Friday, June 4
Find Out Website Owner and Find Out the Last Update
Find out the owner of the domain is just a click
It's free. Just type in the domain name you want to search.
Go to whoistheowner.net
Want to know how active is the website or page, just check their last update:-
Go to the website,
After the page loaded,
Type in at the address bar
Then the date and time will pop up :-)
Cheers :D
It's free. Just type in the domain name you want to search.
Go to whoistheowner.net
Want to know how active is the website or page, just check their last update:-
Go to the website,
After the page loaded,
Type in at the address bar
Then the date and time will pop up :-)
Cheers :D
Friday, March 26
Priority Given: How do you interpret this sign?
As we take public transport, there is always a sign to remind passengers to offer seats for those incapable, with children, pregnant, and old. Such that in Japan:
Give your seat for:
1. Person with injured arm.
2. Person holding a child.
3. Pregnant women.
4. Person with injured leg.
This is certainly a hoax. Thanks to the person with such creativity and share the laughter!
Old joke, yet to amused me.
Cheers for the day!
Give your seat for:
1. Person with injured arm.
2. Person holding a child.
3. Pregnant women.
4. Person with injured leg.
This is certainly a hoax. Thanks to the person with such creativity and share the laughter!
Old joke, yet to amused me.
Cheers for the day!
Tuesday, March 16
Alice in Wonderland 2010
Alice's adventure in Wonderland, novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1865, is all about story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar and anthropomorphic creatures.
After 145 years, Alice has grown up as 19 years old young lady and return to the magic world again -- Alice in Wonderland 2010.
Alice Kingsleigh (Mia Wasikowska) is the daughter of Charles Kingsleigh, a wealthy man who planned to find profitable shipping routes through the world in the 19th century. At her age of 19, her father passed away, while she is in the middle of junction...feeling trapped in a world of proper etiquette...
Alice is taken to a garden party, where it is hoped that she will accept a marriage proposal from Hamish, the son of one of her father's business partners. However, Alice soon grows distracted seeing a rabbit with a waistcoat nearby, and rushes after the strange creature...and she enter the world of wonderland again...that she thought all were only her dream as her father told her so...
Returns to the wonderland but the Red Queen has taken over, banishing the White Queen to her own domain, and taking her vorpal sword. Alice has her destiny to end the Red Queen's reign of terror...
Alice turn out to be warrior and killed the big giant dragon...so the White Queen get back the dynasty of wonderland...Alice return to the real world and she finally decide not to marry Hamish, and continue with her father mission shipping to China.
Full synopsis
I was watching 3D version. The creature is nice...art work is good...but the story plot is rather unsatisfactory... Alice was a cute girl, the wonderland should be more wonderful with magic and spell... but there were only "Drink me" and "Eat me" that turned Alice small, big and then again small and big only... The weird creatures in wonderland mostly were English speaking animals and human that in variety of outlook, such as cute fat boys, thick eye brown white queen, short and big head red queen, etc... Only the smiling cat I like the most, with its special ability to turn into smoke, disappear and flying in sky..
I prefer the original version of little Alice in wonderland, at least with little fun time and enjoyment in the wonderland...and I feel that its weird in a fairy tale that cute girl become warrior to bodily fight with giant dragon...
After 145 years, Alice has grown up as 19 years old young lady and return to the magic world again -- Alice in Wonderland 2010.
Alice Kingsleigh (Mia Wasikowska) is the daughter of Charles Kingsleigh, a wealthy man who planned to find profitable shipping routes through the world in the 19th century. At her age of 19, her father passed away, while she is in the middle of junction...feeling trapped in a world of proper etiquette...
Alice is taken to a garden party, where it is hoped that she will accept a marriage proposal from Hamish, the son of one of her father's business partners. However, Alice soon grows distracted seeing a rabbit with a waistcoat nearby, and rushes after the strange creature...and she enter the world of wonderland again...that she thought all were only her dream as her father told her so...
Returns to the wonderland but the Red Queen has taken over, banishing the White Queen to her own domain, and taking her vorpal sword. Alice has her destiny to end the Red Queen's reign of terror...
Alice turn out to be warrior and killed the big giant dragon...so the White Queen get back the dynasty of wonderland...Alice return to the real world and she finally decide not to marry Hamish, and continue with her father mission shipping to China.
Full synopsis
I was watching 3D version. The creature is nice...art work is good...but the story plot is rather unsatisfactory... Alice was a cute girl, the wonderland should be more wonderful with magic and spell... but there were only "Drink me" and "Eat me" that turned Alice small, big and then again small and big only... The weird creatures in wonderland mostly were English speaking animals and human that in variety of outlook, such as cute fat boys, thick eye brown white queen, short and big head red queen, etc... Only the smiling cat I like the most, with its special ability to turn into smoke, disappear and flying in sky..
I prefer the original version of little Alice in wonderland, at least with little fun time and enjoyment in the wonderland...and I feel that its weird in a fairy tale that cute girl become warrior to bodily fight with giant dragon...
Saturday, March 13
Recently, news from Buncombe County, North Carolina, a mother complaint that teacher bullied her daughter by humiliate the little girl (about 12 years old) with "Loser" marking on her assignment.
When this has become news to the public, people are discussing about it everywhere...some say that the real loser is the teacher..teacher shall be fired..poor kids...while some but less standing at the point of the teacher, this may be an overacting mother...
Well, first possibility is that this teacher may be crazy and good for nothing but to bully and humiliate a little girl.. Second, teacher may trying to do his job right, but the attempt may sounds inappropriate for the mother. Teacher writing a "loser" and underlined twice, may shown that he was so mad or disappointed with the student. Teacher teaching the knowledge to student and how far does student absorb and apply in the exam also indicate how successful a teacher is. Bad result of the girl may be due to her bad attitude in learning, and thus the teacher may try to push her harder by using harder "words".
Nevertheless, not every parents can accept the way how teacher teach their children.. just as not everyone agree to a policy.. over protected child can never growth.. let them face their challenge themselves... instead of using your power as parents.."teach" the teacher how to be teacher?? But what will happen next? Even the teacher suspended, the children are the loser still.."I can ask my mom to teach you how to teach me, sir!"
Teacher and parents shall stand together.. communicate and respect each other.. for good of child.. and our community..
When this has become news to the public, people are discussing about it everywhere...some say that the real loser is the teacher..teacher shall be fired..poor kids...while some but less standing at the point of the teacher, this may be an overacting mother...
Well, first possibility is that this teacher may be crazy and good for nothing but to bully and humiliate a little girl.. Second, teacher may trying to do his job right, but the attempt may sounds inappropriate for the mother. Teacher writing a "loser" and underlined twice, may shown that he was so mad or disappointed with the student. Teacher teaching the knowledge to student and how far does student absorb and apply in the exam also indicate how successful a teacher is. Bad result of the girl may be due to her bad attitude in learning, and thus the teacher may try to push her harder by using harder "words".
Nevertheless, not every parents can accept the way how teacher teach their children.. just as not everyone agree to a policy.. over protected child can never growth.. let them face their challenge themselves... instead of using your power as parents.."teach" the teacher how to be teacher?? But what will happen next? Even the teacher suspended, the children are the loser still.."I can ask my mom to teach you how to teach me, sir!"
Teacher and parents shall stand together.. communicate and respect each other.. for good of child.. and our community..
Wednesday, February 17
Talk on Feng Shui Pet - Pixiu
Feng shui is basically a study of environment.
Thing that we can not see with eyes or hear by ears does not means it does not exists.
There is an energy, could be law of attraction, mind setting, magnetic field or other similar "nouns", referring to something affecting our fate, luck, experience, and thus the characteristic behavior.
There are a lot of different elements or material from nature can alter or affect the magnetic field. Though most of them are just a believe, and these believes create the attraction, good or bad..
Feng shui usually apply on the house you stay, the office or the shop open for business.
Aquarium with flowing water is the most common "tool" being used to enhanced the volume of business and relationship. Other important elements such as jade, crystal, wood and gold are also commonly used to enhanced the luck.
Here, introducing a "pet" which can enhanced your money income.
Named pi xiu. (a.k.a bixie, tian lu)
Pixiu is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature which is son of Dragon.
It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold and silver. Therefore traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical power capable of drawing wealth from all directions.
It is believed that if you adopt pixiu as your pet, and of cause you treat it nicely, it will draw more and more wealth for you as return. It consume money into the stomach and it has no anus for excretion. Therefore, it will accumulate wealth for it's master.
Jade pixiu is favorable due to the natural power or spiritual energy in the jade itself. Therefore the jade pixiu is said to have stronger connect with the master it follow. Never let other person torch your lovely "pet", unless you would like to share your luck and wealthy to other people.
Tips to adopt a pixiu: same like choosing a pet dog or cat, pixiu that to be adopted shall have good appearance that you like it, close to you and your instinct will tell you which is the one.
Thing that we can not see with eyes or hear by ears does not means it does not exists.
There is an energy, could be law of attraction, mind setting, magnetic field or other similar "nouns", referring to something affecting our fate, luck, experience, and thus the characteristic behavior.
There are a lot of different elements or material from nature can alter or affect the magnetic field. Though most of them are just a believe, and these believes create the attraction, good or bad..
Feng shui usually apply on the house you stay, the office or the shop open for business.
Aquarium with flowing water is the most common "tool" being used to enhanced the volume of business and relationship. Other important elements such as jade, crystal, wood and gold are also commonly used to enhanced the luck.
Here, introducing a "pet" which can enhanced your money income.
Named pi xiu. (a.k.a bixie, tian lu)
Pixiu is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature which is son of Dragon.
It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold and silver. Therefore traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical power capable of drawing wealth from all directions.
It is believed that if you adopt pixiu as your pet, and of cause you treat it nicely, it will draw more and more wealth for you as return. It consume money into the stomach and it has no anus for excretion. Therefore, it will accumulate wealth for it's master.
Jade pixiu is favorable due to the natural power or spiritual energy in the jade itself. Therefore the jade pixiu is said to have stronger connect with the master it follow. Never let other person torch your lovely "pet", unless you would like to share your luck and wealthy to other people.
Tips to adopt a pixiu: same like choosing a pet dog or cat, pixiu that to be adopted shall have good appearance that you like it, close to you and your instinct will tell you which is the one.
Sunday, January 17
Exorcism, Cleansing Ritual, Supernatural
Definition according to the free dictionary
Exorcism: as ceremony that seeks to expel an evil spirit from a person or place.
Cleansing ritual: cleanse: to free from dirt; ritual: the prescribed order of a religious ceremony.
Supernatural: of or relating to existence outside the natural world.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a film of 2005 directed by Scott Derricksion. It is one of the very few great movie story about supernatural, that generally accepted as picture of the real story of Anneliese Michel. In this movie, Jennifer Carpenter really has a great and impressive acting as Emily Rose who has slowly become insane and die being possess by the evil. The movie which largely takes place in a courtroom, depicts the trial of Emily's parish priest, who performed the exorcism, and who was accused by the state of negligent homicide of Emily.
The prosecutors took more than 2 years to to take Annaliese's case to court, using that time to sort through the bizarre facts. Not as the movie, Anneliese's parents, as well as the exorcists, were found guilty of manslaughter resulting from negligence and omitting first aid. They were sentenced to 6 months in jail and probation.The verdict included the opinion of the court that the accused should have helped by taking care of the medical treatment that the girl needed, but instead, their use of naive practices aggravated Anneliese's already poor constitution
A commission of the German Bishop-Conference later declared that Anneliese Michel was not possessed, however, this did not keep believers from supporting her struggles, and it was because so many believed in her that Anneliese's body did not find peace with death. Her corpse was exhumed eleven and a half years after her burial, only to confirm that it had decayed as would have been expected under normal circumstances. Today, her grave remains a place of pilgrimage for rosary-praying and for those who believe that Anneliese Michel bravely fought the devil.
Not far away in Kuala Lumpur, such a capital of Malaysia, an Al-Arqam follower is charged with murdering a couple admitted in the High Court here that he had hit the victims with a piece of wood, crash helmet and mop handle to exorcise the evil spirit in them. The accused Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Razak, 25, said he, however, had no intention of causing death to the couple as they were his uncle and aunt, and was unaware that his action during the exorcism would cause their deaths.
Muhammad Ilyas said he saw his grandmother's spirit telling him to be loyal to the teaching of Al-Arqam leader Abuya Ashaari Muhamad, just about two weeks before the incident on 1st of October 2008. After his dream, he could deliver lectures on Islam, and methods of healing came to him from Abuya, he believed. Everyone in his family believed that he had the gift from God and could see evil spirit and demons.
Together with his brother and cousin who are 23 and 21, they were said to practice the teaching of Abuya Ashaari, who claims to have the ability to raise the dead. In the incident, Muhammad Ilyas was allegedly beaten up his uncle and aunt to death, because he claimed that he could see evil spirits in them and he was performing cleansing ritual to help them instead of homocide.
However, how evil were the spirits in his uncle and aunt was not stated. Perhaps he may refer to the movie Exorcism of Emily Rose, then he could have more fantastic imaginary of his uncle and aunt evil spirits, such as eat cockroach, drink their own urine, speak in a strange dialect, scream unreasonably or self-inflict. With this strong "evidences", cleansing ritual till death may be sound necessary to be performed. I guess his uncle and aunt would rather living together with the "evil spirit" happily, can eat, can work, can have fun, and may be can enjoy playing with their grandchildren, instead of being beaten to death just because want to get rid from evil spirit?
Besides this Muhammad Ilyas, there are a lot of religious or con artists using the name of God or religious ceremony to cheat people money or even turn out become rapist and killer.
Exorcism: as ceremony that seeks to expel an evil spirit from a person or place.
Cleansing ritual: cleanse: to free from dirt; ritual: the prescribed order of a religious ceremony.
Supernatural: of or relating to existence outside the natural world.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a film of 2005 directed by Scott Derricksion. It is one of the very few great movie story about supernatural, that generally accepted as picture of the real story of Anneliese Michel. In this movie, Jennifer Carpenter really has a great and impressive acting as Emily Rose who has slowly become insane and die being possess by the evil. The movie which largely takes place in a courtroom, depicts the trial of Emily's parish priest, who performed the exorcism, and who was accused by the state of negligent homicide of Emily.
Anneliese Michel (1952 ~ 1976), was enjoying the life of a normal, religiously nurtured young girl until her age of 16 years old in 1968. At first she began shaking and found she was unable to control her body, started seeing devilish grimace, and subsequently worse and erratic, the doctor's prescription couldn't cure her. Anneliese refused to eat because the demons would not allow it. She slept on the stone floor, ate spiders, flies, and coal, and even began drinking her own urine. She could be heard screaming throughout the house for hours while breaking crucifixes, destroying paintings of Jesus, and pulling apart rosaries. At the ending stage before her death, she was self-mutilation, paralyze, fall unconscious very frequently. And at the last day of exorcism on 30th of June 1976, Anneliese was totally emaciated, high fever, exhausted and unable to physically perform the genuflections herself. Her death was recorded on 1st of July 1967 noon, the authorities in Aschaffenburg was informed and the investigation began immediately.
The prosecutors took more than 2 years to to take Annaliese's case to court, using that time to sort through the bizarre facts. Not as the movie, Anneliese's parents, as well as the exorcists, were found guilty of manslaughter resulting from negligence and omitting first aid. They were sentenced to 6 months in jail and probation.The verdict included the opinion of the court that the accused should have helped by taking care of the medical treatment that the girl needed, but instead, their use of naive practices aggravated Anneliese's already poor constitution
A commission of the German Bishop-Conference later declared that Anneliese Michel was not possessed, however, this did not keep believers from supporting her struggles, and it was because so many believed in her that Anneliese's body did not find peace with death. Her corpse was exhumed eleven and a half years after her burial, only to confirm that it had decayed as would have been expected under normal circumstances. Today, her grave remains a place of pilgrimage for rosary-praying and for those who believe that Anneliese Michel bravely fought the devil.
Not far away in Kuala Lumpur, such a capital of Malaysia, an Al-Arqam follower is charged with murdering a couple admitted in the High Court here that he had hit the victims with a piece of wood, crash helmet and mop handle to exorcise the evil spirit in them. The accused Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Razak, 25, said he, however, had no intention of causing death to the couple as they were his uncle and aunt, and was unaware that his action during the exorcism would cause their deaths.
Muhammad Ilyas said he saw his grandmother's spirit telling him to be loyal to the teaching of Al-Arqam leader Abuya Ashaari Muhamad, just about two weeks before the incident on 1st of October 2008. After his dream, he could deliver lectures on Islam, and methods of healing came to him from Abuya, he believed. Everyone in his family believed that he had the gift from God and could see evil spirit and demons.
Together with his brother and cousin who are 23 and 21, they were said to practice the teaching of Abuya Ashaari, who claims to have the ability to raise the dead. In the incident, Muhammad Ilyas was allegedly beaten up his uncle and aunt to death, because he claimed that he could see evil spirits in them and he was performing cleansing ritual to help them instead of homocide.
However, how evil were the spirits in his uncle and aunt was not stated. Perhaps he may refer to the movie Exorcism of Emily Rose, then he could have more fantastic imaginary of his uncle and aunt evil spirits, such as eat cockroach, drink their own urine, speak in a strange dialect, scream unreasonably or self-inflict. With this strong "evidences", cleansing ritual till death may be sound necessary to be performed. I guess his uncle and aunt would rather living together with the "evil spirit" happily, can eat, can work, can have fun, and may be can enjoy playing with their grandchildren, instead of being beaten to death just because want to get rid from evil spirit?
Besides this Muhammad Ilyas, there are a lot of religious or con artists using the name of God or religious ceremony to cheat people money or even turn out become rapist and killer.
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