Saturday, January 22

Travel out of reality -- Gulliver's

Fantasy and imagination are always the best entertainment...

Gulliver's Travels was one of my favorite bed time story...which always give me a sweet dream voyages to Liliput...a tiny man kingdom...

However, Gulliver's Travels 2010 has slightly different story plot where I found it more exciting as its more closely narrating dreams of most people now a day... especially the villa house! haha...
Gulliver Lemuel (starring by Jack Black) is presented as a depressed and not satisfying person in his mail room job as well as in his life...he decides to talk to journalist Darcy Silverman (Amanda Peet) who admired by him for so long... End up, Gulliver manage to convinces Darcy that he could write a report about his travels (by plagiarises from other publications on the Internet). Darcy is impressed by his writing and presents Gulliver a task – to travel to the Bermuda Triangle and write an article about the legend of ships mysteriously disappearing in the area...

Adventure of Gulliver begins as he rent a boat to the triangle, caught in a freak storm, and washed up unconscious on the shore of Liliput...
Gulliver is captured and imprisoned because of his huge size...but later he become hero of the tiny population (save the princess from kidnapped, save the king out of fire and protect the kingdom from their enemy Blefuscu)...he claimed himself as president the awesome... the best part is Gulliver enjoy very much respect, power and luxury that he never had in his real life...anyhow, the story goes on with Gulliver's lies revealed and he has to overcome the hardship with who he really is...then of cause the story ended happily...

Jack Black is a definite comedian and I can see everyone carried hope and smile home after the me...