Monday, October 5

Sex Harmony

Sex, especially for Asian is a secretive word..very shy to be request or discuss. However, we can't deny sexuality is an integral part of being human. Love, affection, and sexual intimacy contribute to healthy relationships and individual well-being.

Therefore, sexuality health and satisfaction is so important for both physical and spiritual fitness. Just like healthy balance diet, human, either you are man, women, young or old, we all are equally deserved the rights to enjoy sex. Therefore, a healthy sexuality practice or sexual education should be a must to gain a positive perception of healthy sex life as well as to hinder sexual abuse.

But along with the positive aspects of our human sexuality, there also are illnesses that can affect our sexual health. In addition, irresponsible sexual behaviors can result in undesirable consequences, including unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Sex is not just about kung fu on bed, but also social, physical and psychological needs. It shall be fun for both partners. Therefore, before we proceed to the enjoyment, we shall always remember and aware of the safety and responsible of healthy sex practice to avoid unwanted suffers.