Monday, November 30

What will happen in 2012

2012 will be the first leap year starting on Sunday (dominical letter AG) of 3rd Millennium in Gregorian calendar.
The leap year starting on Sunday will have three occurrences of Friday the 13th throughout the year which superstition holds to be a day of bad luck..combination of two: thirteen, an unlucky number and Friday, an unlucky day..
Leap year start with Sunday:
Millennium Century Year
2nd Millennium: 18th century: 1764 1792
2nd Millennium: 19th century: 1804 1832 1860 1888
2nd Millennium: 20th century: 1928 1956 1984
3rd Millennium: 21st century: 2012 2040 2068 2096
3rd Millennium: 22nd century: 2108 2136 2164 2192

Friday has been considered an unlucky day because, according to Christian scripture and tradition, Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

Besides, another theory by author Charles Panati, that the superstition can be traced back to ancient myth, in which Friday is named for Frigga, the free-spirited goddess of love and fertility. When Norse and Germanic tribes converted to Christianity, Frigga was banished in shame to a mountaintop and labeled a witch. It was believed that every Friday, the spiteful goddess convened a meeting with eleven other witches, plus the devil - a gathering of thirteen - and plotted ill turns of fate for the coming week. For many centuries in Scandinavia, Friday was known as "Witches' Sabbath."

What had been happened in the pass, Friday the 13th?
There are events that purposely planned on this special day to create  dramatic effects, higher publicity and attention perhaps. Here are some events that were intentionally scheduled for Friday the 13th:
  • Resident Evil 5 was released in the US and UK on Friday March 13th 2009.
  • Black Sabbath's eponymous debut album was released in the UK on Friday, February 13, 1970.
  • The Opening ceremony of Athens Olympic Games took place on Friday, August 13, 2004.
  • The 13th book in A Series of Unfortunate Events was released on Friday, October 13, 2006 by Lemony Snicket, also known as novelist Daniel Handler.
  • Four of the twelve films in the Friday the 13th series, including the most recent (reboot of a second film), were released on a Friday the 13th. The sequel to the reboot is planned to be released Friday August 13th, 2010.
  • Every Friday the 13th thousands of bikers ride to the small town of Port Dover Ontario, Canada.
  • Boston Lee Day is celebrated every Friday the 13th. Participants gather to enjoy the Boston Lee Drink for which this day is named.
  • The 2009 film "2012" is set to be released on Friday November 13th 2009.
While, natural disaster occur on Friday the 13th, notably:
  • Hurricane Charley made landfall in south Florida on Friday, August 13, 2004.
  • The "Friday the 13th Storm" struck Buffalo, New York on Friday, October 13, 2006.
  • Continental Airlines Flight 3407 crashed into a house in Clarence, New York late Thursday, February 12, 2009, causing a fire that lasted until that Friday morning (February 13) and killed 50 people.
  • Plane crash in the Andes in 1972 which turned the survivors into cannibals.
  • On Friday July 13th, 1733 22 Ships depart Havana Cuba destined for Spain. Encountering a Hurricane shortly after departure the ships return to Havana, only 4 make it back. 12 of the wrecks make of the 1733 Spanish Galleon Trail off the coast of the Florida Keys.
2012 with three Friday the 13th can be the unlucky year perhaps, but could it possibly the end for billions of people and creatures on earth?

Why 2012 says to be the end of the world?

From the calendar says:
The Maya used a 365-day calendar called the Haab. They measured long time periods by means of a Long Count, in which one 360-day year  (a "Tun"), consists of 18 x 20-day "months" ("Uinals"). Twenty of these Tuns is a Katun; 20 Katuns is a Baktun (nearly 400 years); and 13 Baktuns adds up to a "Great Cycle" of 1,872,000 days, 5200 Tuns, or about 5125 years.
Mayan scholars have been attempting to correlate the Long Count with our Western Gregorian calendar, since the beginning of this century. There has been massive variation in the suggested correlations, but as early as 1905, Goodman suggested a correlation only 3 days from the most popular one today. Known as the GMT correlation, which  was finalized in 1950, and puts the start of the Great Cycle (day  on 11th August 3114 BC, and the end-date (known as as 21st December 2012.
So, it is end of a cycle and new cycle will begins.

From astrology says:
According to some astronomers, on the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjuncts the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic plane, while also closely conjuncting the exact the center of the galaxy. Since the Mayan calendar began in 3114 BC, they had never experienced anything like this before. The Mayans called this event the Sacred Tree. This alignment with the center of the galaxy also allows for maximum mass and thus maximum gravity... With this phenomena happens, there will be probably an impact on the stabilization of earth planet. 

Indeed, the National Earthquake Information Service of the US Geological Survey reported that earthquakes have gradually increased from 1 severe quake between 1890 and 1899 to 765 from 2000-2004. Could this be due to our solar systems movement towards this Galactic Equator?

The Russian mathematician Sergey Smelyakov of Khartov University taking the constant Phi (1.6180339), the so called Golden Mean or the Fibonacci sequence, and applying it to solar activity and planetary orbits, found that everything seemed to spiral in on itself on December 21, 2012 implying a time implosion or point of bifurcation.

Besides, there is another prediction about Planet X crushing on Earth. Planet X is a planet that orbits the sun every 3600 years. The first real pictures Planet X were photographed shortly after January 26, 1983, when NASA launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). The astronomers calculated that Planet X was over 50 million miles away from us at that time. In 2004 they claimed that this Planet X appeared again, determined to be only 7 million miles away and it's moving closer. Therefore, this Planet X will be here by the end of 2012, appealingly as two suns in the sky, and says to be the doomsday arrive?

From other ancient prediction:
This apocalyptic date of December 21, 2012 is also supposedly found in Hopi myths, the I-Ching, Aztec writings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Roman Oracles, writing of Seneca Elders, the chief Shaman of the Cherokee Tribe in NC, and even the writings of Nostradamus.

Saturday, November 28

2012 and Institute of Human Continuity

"Part of the 2012 movie experience"

2012 in theater, a lot of people are curious about what will it be on the doomsday?

The land crack apart, the building collapse, houses and factory all destroy by tsunami water...while human, animal and most of the creatures being wipe off by the power of nature. Then, raise up the issue of human continuity. Small group of people, only those with power and money are offered with a place to hide until the disaster has overcome.

Global warming has came to critical, yet, the leaders of human are still negotiating how much carbon to be reduced, just to entertain the public and our future generations it seems. Yes, it would be true, those leader couldn't decide how much pollutants can be reduced now, so just leave it to the nature to clean off everything, then the earth will be back to peace. Perhaps, this small group of human can continue the survival and just build for another civilization.

Institute for Human Continuity (IHC), ensuring the end is just the beginning.

I not sure whether such kind of institute exist in real, and they operate secretly, "monitor the threat of doomsday while develop plan to guarantee survival of human race". Facing if the doomsday do come, some people fight for survival, some would just sit and wait for the end, and also some even don't know that "oh, is it doomsday?"...

As we know the law of nature, tend to remain balance all the time. Pollution has given the bad impact on earth, this is the fact, and hence as the return, disaster kills thousands and millions life. Human race, we need to do something, everyone of us. Recycle, reduce, reuse and also recover are not only slogan but a must to do now. The rubbish out there were produced day by day since the past centuries, just like a big cruise at speeding, suddenly realize an ice berg in another 300meter, some passengers see it, some don't and some don't care about it. But whatever is it your personal opinion, we have to stop and turn around now! No more time wasting for nonsense, hesitation, negotiation...

Earth is our only home, we have no other place to hide.

Friday, November 20

Virtual, Bypass or Customize Netbook Screen Resolution

Recently, along with the introduction of Intel Atom Processor, the new technology netbook has been populated with its light and handy features. Remember just 5 years ago, the smaller the laptop, the higher the price. But now, a typical Intel Atom Processor Netbook is relatively cheaper than ordinary laptop, and become more favorable for those light and easy user such as blogger, web surfer and travelers.

However, with netbook that is too tiny, you may face problem of screen resolution limitation, and some of the software must be compatible with certain level of resolution. So, I have searching for quite some time and finally I found one helpful software which I would like to say a million thanks to the creator!

Netbook Resolution Customizer Version 1.0 Beta2

This is a freeware designed to allow custom resolution on desktop, laptop, netbook, or any size of monitor screen, as long as it has an Intel Graphic Chipset installed. This resolution customizer allow down-scaling and thus the screen resolution is no longer limited by the size of monitor.

Anyhow, for those considering to buy a netbook now, my personal advice is buy at least with the standard screen resolution size 800x600.

Thursday, November 19

Headmaster Punish Teacher

Teacher punish students, happens every school, every where, for reasons of studies, homework, naughty, etc.. Whilst, headmaster punish teacher, insulted the teachers to stand with their arms raised, for reason to find out who had lodged the complaints against him.

Happened in Seberang Perai, Malaysia.

As usual, the authority said they will investigate properly, may be a few months, few years, or until no one remember. So, reporters have to "risk their life" to find out the story sometimes.

Parties involved in the incident are:
Teacher, Headmaster, Parents (Teacher-Parents Association) and School Board.

Parents complaint that headmaster is out of capability to lead the school. The headmaster is so lazy, not responsible and never keep promise.
Headmaster punish the teachers to find out the one lodged complaints against him.
School Board says the Parents have to pay the responsibility because they have argument with the headmaster, and the headmaster can't well manage his emotion, hence, blowing out his anger towards his teaching staffs.

How true is the story by reporter?
Just wait for the Education Department of Penang Malaysia to find out.

Gossip: the problematic headmaster was previously "suspected" in corruption of school fund and been complaint by the previous school's school board. After that he was transfer to the new school which is now again filed a new record in history of Malaysia Education System, Headmaster Punish Teacher. Not surprising, again the same solution, transferred to another school...
What can we say?
Good luck to the new school.


Previously I have more discuss on our mind set, the power of the attraction, and The Secret. Here, another interesting phenomena, activity happen on us that we might not know...

Automatism, in term of medicine, it refers to repetitive unconscious gestures such as lip smacking, chewing, or swallowing in certain types of epilepsy. In further extend, activity perform unconsciously, such as homicide while sleepwalking is also an automatism behavior.

Just few days ago, there was a court case about automatism homicide by a Briton to his beloved wife.
Brian Thomas, who suffers from a sleep disorder, admits killing his wife Christine while they spent a night on a car park in west Wales in July last year. However,the prosecution do not seek a verdict of guilty to murder but a verdict of not guilty because of insanity.

Thomas had been prone to episodes of sleepwalking and other sleeping disorder behaviors for the pass 50 years. Nevertheless, he stopped taking anti-depressants when the incident happened because he believed that those drugs had affected his sexual performance. The couple used to slept in separate rooms at home but enjoy their intimate night while holiday in their camper van.

Unfortunately, Thomas has a nightmare fighting off intruders who trying to disturb them. In his dream, there were a group of "boy racer" performing driving stunts near their camper van parked, and then those bad guys had broken into their van and fight erupted. He grabbed one of the intruder in an arm lock, but turned out that the person he had seized by the throat was his wife.

Sleepwalking and automatism is considered as behavioral disorder, out of control by conscious. Drugs is needed to control or suppress the symptoms. However, can that be looked as a subconscious mind power, strong enough to take over the body action as well as our conscious mind do? So, how good if we can find a way to communicate with our subconscious, for instance making learning process even more effective or do some tasks while sleeping? instead of using drugs to suppress it, we may turn it to be beneficial.

Tuesday, November 17









Eulogy piece of a paper, an ending of a lifetime

Friday 13, November 2009, I received an SMS message informed me that she had pass away in the afternoon. My most beloved and respected person die.

At one time, pair of her hands could carry me in her arms.
Once, when she was not in my line of sight would make me unsecured.
Once, I asked her why people die? When will we going to die? Where the death gone? She told me always be good intentions and to do good things, then death will be reborn, and will have good rewards. I hope that my afterlife can be her children, and I would do a lot of good jobs for that.
Once, I asked her why she wearing gold jewelry
even not during the festival? she said with a laugh that of her age, soon if she die all those jewelry can't be bringing along too. That moment, I felt so sad and so scared that she will die one day. I sneaked a request to the gods, I am willing to give her my life for several decades, do not let her leave so soon.

Her gentle and caring, always make me feel calm and ease. She does not illiterate, she used to wake up at 6 or 7 o'clock early morning, turn on the radio, and began to busy the housework. Chat with her, watching TV, nap, drying clothes, folding clothes, walking in the evening, time was slipped through in such a warm and loving manner. Sometimes, we would talk at night until fall asleep. When she was asleep, I would looked carefully at her feature to well keep in my mind. I was secretly touched her hand, feeling her warm and breath. She did not has hobby, singing perhaps, I could never heard of her Huangmei's lullaby again. Her idol is Lin Dai, I deliberately borrow Lin Dai starring video and we are pleased with watching it a few times, until the video tape broken, and so as the video recorders been replaced by DVD player.

She was always there, my home of vacation. School holidays a few days to month, I stayed with her like my home, and always unwilling to leave. Then she will always say come again next time leave when free.

Time passing by very fast, grown up, homework, tuition and friends play, I gradually leaving her behind. While, she is still living her regular life. Until her illness could not allow her to take care of her daily tasks, she can no longer moving around, can no longer express herself, but only suffer and pain.
She was moved out alone, moved into old folks home. Her life became static. Occasionally I did visit her a few times, but we can never chat like the past anymore. The memories stopped here.

That day, she finally liberated. Peacefully left us.
Not too much of tears, I was calm indeed.

Mummy, I have grew up, I will take care of myself and don't need to worry about me. Wish to see you again in the next life. So long and good bye.
She is my childhood nanny, and the second mother.

Friday, November 13

2012 - The Movie

Global warming, war, earth quake, tsunami, and other natural disasters are happening around, getting frequent and frequent, and thousands or millions of victims, lost their home, lost their life. We are lucky in Malaysia, still. Watching television and news about all these disasters happening here and there, donation not only for the victims of natural disaster, but illness, welfare, etc... too much of fund raise on news paper until we have used to it.

Doomsday or not, we don't know how long is our life span. But, human, we are too selfish making the earth getting worse and worse, dirty and polluted. 2012 again directed by Roland Emmerich, whose previously filmed "Independent Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow". Compare to the previous two, 2012 doesn't has much surprise to me, is still a good cast presenting us and warn us the end of the world. Nevertheless, I think the movie has too much focus on how the tiny few people escape from the "doomsday" which prolong for just "a few hours".

Simply hiding in the big and tough ships and avoid from the impact, seems ridiculous. 2012 is talking about the instability of the earth planet, not just a matter of one or two comet hitting lol!

I was a little disappointed. Indeed, the idea of how one hero Jackson Curtis (together with his 8 or 10 years old son Noah Curtis), pull out the obstacle stuck at the gear, then save the whole ship of people and the "entire human race", this is really a typical heroism story...

Well, the art work and graphic effect are impressively giving the audience a picture of how the "angry" unstable mother earth would be. We are so tiny and helpless to confront with the giant huge power of nature. Building collapse, land breaking apart, whole city covered by tsunami water, cleansing off the entire human race and all the creatures...

However, it may be too sad if the human species distinct, so the director of the movie, as if the God so kind "open a window" for a few of human representatives to survive. They run, driving recklessly on pieces of broken street, flying up and down...not an easy job a virtual game, fighting from one stage to over then you can still continue, no worry...

Sadly, the movie still emphasize on the sophisticate technology...hiding in the big ship could easily escape from the disaster?? as if those iron, wire, screw and computer are our only hope and "weapon" to confront with huge natural force.
Not to forget also they use helicopter to fetch a few animals like giraffe and elephant to the big ship, to preserve them from the impact of disaster. So kind of them not to forget other resident of earth. However, this idea was a little boring... why not they preserve the gene or cells on the petri dish or test tube, keep filing in the gene bank? that will be more fantastic isn't it?

After the exciting survivors escape, finally God of mercy will says, "alright, enough of torturing, stop the earth quake, stop the tsunami, stop the volcano...return for them the warm sunshine and peaceful bluish ocean."...

The end...

So, everyone claps their hands...pop corn plastic bags, soft drink cup and straw were left behind...

2012, I would say is commercially a good production, heroism and graphically impressive...fulfill the demand of market...but as a warning to audience about ending of and love our earth now...I may be expecting too much.

Related to 2012:
2012 Game
Institute for Human Continuity
What will happen in 2012

Tuesday, November 3

Bill Gates -- 11 things did not learn in school

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school.
He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2 : The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss

Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault , so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

If you don't agree stick your head in the sand and take a deep breath!

This note is taken from Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Monday, November 2

Sex Sport

Sex is part of life. We have safety sex practice, health and birth control issues... now a new era, sex sport? This is not a new idea, yet been populated by Trojan Games.

Trojan indeed is a brand of condom first manufactured in 1920 by Young's Rubber later in 1930 only latex-based materials were used. In 2003, in order to launch Trojan in the United Kingdom, a humorous fake official web site for the so-called Trojan Games was created. Of cause, ideally its the sport games that based on sexual performance.

Trojan brand did a successful marketing and branding through their creative and surprising publicity. Their products appears on-shelf 1st of October 2003 in Boots stores and Chemists across the UK. They successfully penetrate the market of their key audience including young men, couples, students and
women. Based on their research, many audiences had specific requirements in the way condom brands communicate with them. A series of Marketing and PR campaigns have been developed to ensure the brand communicates in the most desirable tone and language to attract core consumers.

As of Nov 2006 the various "Trojan Games" videos have been viewed 300 million times. Perhaps, this had indicate that a sex sport games in real could be favorable and encourage the positive sexual perception, as well as the concern of sex education?

Sunday, November 1

Speaker for the Dead -- Forensic Science

We are not living in world of fairy tale.
Criminals convicted everyday, everywhere, I would like to say especially murder case.
The dead body found or even not found, been killed cruelly, insane and disgust, but the murderers are not always get arrest and punish. The real game may involve a lot of political, social, money, dark power, and relation complication, who's daring to stand for the justice?

Some popular case like John F. Kennedy, David Carradine, Princess Dianna, Micheal Jackson, and look closer to our country which we have more recent case of Altantuya and Teoh Beng Hock, how they die? suicide? homicide? or illness? The answer shall only can be told by the evidence and the inevitable justice.

Forensic science is an interesting career choice. They look at evidence at a crime scene, and then use it to put together clues that point to who might have done the deed. While forensic science has been made popular through shows like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and even Dexter, Gil Grissom and Dexter aren’t the only famous forensic scientists out there.

One of the most popular forensic expert, Dr. Henry Lee, whose skills as an investigator and interpreter of crime scene evidence have made him in demand around the globe. Over the past 40 years, he has assisted in the investigation of more than 6,000 cases, including a murder case without a body.

Nearer to us, Thailand, Pornthip Rojanasunand, also a well known Thai forensic pathologist, author, human rights activist, and cancer survivor. She has repeatedly publicly stated that she has come across evidence of police abuses during her work. Pornthip presently is Director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Justice, in Bangkok and introduced DNA evidence to Thailand.

Her hair, with bursts of crimson highlights, is a wild mane of gelled artistry. Bangles, bracelets and charms, in sliver and red beads, adorn both arms. Her get up is Gothic, black top with fuschia sleeves, black pants with a wraparound skirt. She has introducing a fresh look of a forensic doctor, is nothing wrong to be trendy too.

Though she is well-known and being respect by millions of people not only from Thai, she is still a very humble person. Well, its so true that she said, she is just doing her part. Simple. If everyone are able to simply do our part right, criminals, disasters and corruptions can be so much reduced!
But sadly, a lot of these cases are remaining unsolved and keep happening every day.

Perhaps the forensic scientists and investigator of our own country are not experience enough to solve those complicating cases like Teoh Beng Hock death, we truly need an expert with no interest conflict with any of the parties, to tell us honestly, whats the story all about? Its enough of fooling..please la..

Those professional forensic doctors may get their hands dirty when examine those bodies, under stress and threaten, but they must do their part right, to point out those real dirty hands and send them to hell. So, as part of the community, we shall stand together for the justice! The whole 1 Malaysia as well as the whole world want to know the truth.