Thursday, November 19


Previously I have more discuss on our mind set, the power of the attraction, and The Secret. Here, another interesting phenomena, activity happen on us that we might not know...

Automatism, in term of medicine, it refers to repetitive unconscious gestures such as lip smacking, chewing, or swallowing in certain types of epilepsy. In further extend, activity perform unconsciously, such as homicide while sleepwalking is also an automatism behavior.

Just few days ago, there was a court case about automatism homicide by a Briton to his beloved wife.
Brian Thomas, who suffers from a sleep disorder, admits killing his wife Christine while they spent a night on a car park in west Wales in July last year. However,the prosecution do not seek a verdict of guilty to murder but a verdict of not guilty because of insanity.

Thomas had been prone to episodes of sleepwalking and other sleeping disorder behaviors for the pass 50 years. Nevertheless, he stopped taking anti-depressants when the incident happened because he believed that those drugs had affected his sexual performance. The couple used to slept in separate rooms at home but enjoy their intimate night while holiday in their camper van.

Unfortunately, Thomas has a nightmare fighting off intruders who trying to disturb them. In his dream, there were a group of "boy racer" performing driving stunts near their camper van parked, and then those bad guys had broken into their van and fight erupted. He grabbed one of the intruder in an arm lock, but turned out that the person he had seized by the throat was his wife.

Sleepwalking and automatism is considered as behavioral disorder, out of control by conscious. Drugs is needed to control or suppress the symptoms. However, can that be looked as a subconscious mind power, strong enough to take over the body action as well as our conscious mind do? So, how good if we can find a way to communicate with our subconscious, for instance making learning process even more effective or do some tasks while sleeping? instead of using drugs to suppress it, we may turn it to be beneficial.