Saturday, November 28

2012 and Institute of Human Continuity

"Part of the 2012 movie experience"

2012 in theater, a lot of people are curious about what will it be on the doomsday?

The land crack apart, the building collapse, houses and factory all destroy by tsunami water...while human, animal and most of the creatures being wipe off by the power of nature. Then, raise up the issue of human continuity. Small group of people, only those with power and money are offered with a place to hide until the disaster has overcome.

Global warming has came to critical, yet, the leaders of human are still negotiating how much carbon to be reduced, just to entertain the public and our future generations it seems. Yes, it would be true, those leader couldn't decide how much pollutants can be reduced now, so just leave it to the nature to clean off everything, then the earth will be back to peace. Perhaps, this small group of human can continue the survival and just build for another civilization.

Institute for Human Continuity (IHC), ensuring the end is just the beginning.

I not sure whether such kind of institute exist in real, and they operate secretly, "monitor the threat of doomsday while develop plan to guarantee survival of human race". Facing if the doomsday do come, some people fight for survival, some would just sit and wait for the end, and also some even don't know that "oh, is it doomsday?"...

As we know the law of nature, tend to remain balance all the time. Pollution has given the bad impact on earth, this is the fact, and hence as the return, disaster kills thousands and millions life. Human race, we need to do something, everyone of us. Recycle, reduce, reuse and also recover are not only slogan but a must to do now. The rubbish out there were produced day by day since the past centuries, just like a big cruise at speeding, suddenly realize an ice berg in another 300meter, some passengers see it, some don't and some don't care about it. But whatever is it your personal opinion, we have to stop and turn around now! No more time wasting for nonsense, hesitation, negotiation...

Earth is our only home, we have no other place to hide.