Wednesday, July 21

Self Recognize

How true that you know about yourself?

Mindset, characteristic, behavior and fate are all linked and affecting each other. When you think that you know about yourself and you know what you want, that's not true. That's actually how you want yourself to be.

Our body is a machine. Programed by the brain. Well, the brain is driven by the soul.
Indeed, we can easily program our body, but why still we do something we dislike, but we have to do it or acting it? That's so called logic and knowledge.

Our behavior is constrain by what we learn in the pass -- experience.
The things we see, we hear, we learn. Therefore, if you want to be optimistic, watch comedy movie, listen to more laughter, talk with friends who makes a lot of fun, then you gain the experience of happiness, then you behave happily and attracting more and more happiness in your life.

Well, it does not mean that a happy person does not has any worries or sadness. We do have a lot of challenges in life, but some people may see them passively while some do not care of them and they can be happy still. Problem is still there, but just that do you think worries or sadness could help to solve the problem? No. Focus on what makes you happy and confident, then good things will come. So simple! This is the way that our body machine work.

Considered moral values we had learn since we are young, and those values make us "educated". But, are we really accept these values in the bottom heart? Yes, some people do. But most of us are in between, conflict with ourselves. And some they just admit, yes, I break the moral, I did something "bad" in the sense of moral, but I don't feel anything wrong. This is the stage of "thick" where you don't bother how people look at you and you have just need to responsible to your own yourself.

The spirit of black thick does not teach you to judge good or bad. Indeed, there is neither good nor bad in this world, life is just a journey, all you have to learn is to enjoy yourself. Therefore, recognize yourself, be good with yourself, learn and configure yourself, and the first thing to do is to forget about yourself. Let go of all the constrain and forget about impossible, can not be, or whatsoever.
Get reborn and know yourself all over again.