Tuesday, December 27

A day

Like usual, I was overslept...

Omg it was 12 noon! I was supposed to be in the office by 9am (or worse to worst by 10am)
Pick up the phone and send a message to inform someone, Alfred? Hmm...yeah, I got headache, my eyes still swelling...blablablaaa...anything can we just leave to tomorrow?.... Then my phone rang~~was Alfred.....hh--ello....lower down my tone (pretending sick)....from the other side of phone...."nonono...the deadline is 1pm today! you have to do the final correction by now...or you better call Prof E right now...."

The next thing, I was driving....the time was 12.30pm....I don't have Prof E's no....and I don't want to call Alfred again and again.... Oh, god! please clear my way!!

Then the miracle happened... from my house to the office usually take half an hour to 45 minutes thoroughgoing congestion and 7 traffic lights....but....strange....it was smooth?! and none of the 7 lights was red?! It was so awesome! feel like I'm gonna hit a lottery!

Oh yeah, I reached at 12.45pm, quickly rushed to Prof E's room, knocked the door and he looked at me... I was thinking "sure die" this time....almost 4 hours late...but come to my big surprise, he said, "yeah, you can check your paper tomorrow online, should be published"...."no need correction?" then he look at me with wonder "everything is done, your boss has check through".......my head was dizzy and lag perhaps, "oh, really, but Alfred ask me to see you this morning for correction"......argghh... I realized my sentence was so stupid right at the second I said so....

Since I was already "here".... wait a minute, I saw nasi lemak outside the seminar hall...should be the food for the morning's meeting....so I took one plate with fried chicken, and also a cup of nescafe, still hot in thermos, yeah, nice free brunch... to my room, enjoying....

Talk to my peers....while enjoying the nasi lemak together....
Actually, I should have registered for a presentation session early in September but now almost come to the end of semester, **bing bing** I just realized about it....I do pissed and blamed on myself being so reluctant to have make sure I got the registration done....But then, as I learnt that my friend going to extend for the 7th semester, I felt myself wasn't too bad....hahaha...this poor fella has actually complete his research on his 4th semester....but all because of his first supervisor transferred to Indonesia... then the second to German... so now he is waiting reply all the way from German in order to proceed to submission and viva....

Met my boss, suddenly I felt "thank god" he is my supervisor...I am sure he would never leave me and go to German or Indonesia....as he is the head for this whole department....and at his age now....where else to go? hehehe....then I ask a stupid question again "boss, do you think I manage to finish up by this semester?" "if everything progressed good, why not?" then I said "but......................." he turned off his Mac book and looked at me...."but.........I forgotten to register for the PTS5111" ..................................."what? then why don't you register?" I secretly thought that he may use his special power to placed me into the presentation hall on coming January....then everything would be so easy....hehe....but the probability for him to do so might be less than 0.00001, or unless he is going to migrate to German or Indonesia?

5pm, back home.
Tomorrow got an official meeting with all my big boss and yet I am still writing this nonsense....
And one more thing was, I did smashed on Alfred's head.