Wednesday, October 21

Coca-cola in Mini

Coca-cola Co. will launch in December a sleek 90-calorie mini can instead of the standard 140, in Washington, D.C., New York City, and a roll-out to the rest of the United States is expected to be underway by March 2010.

Obviously, this smaller packaging has lesser calories and the price will be lower than the ordinary one. How far it will influence into the market?
As they claim, this kind of packaging is designed as part of the efforts to provide more choices and information to health-conscious consumers. But, I wonder does a health conscious consumer really drink coke to maintain or improve their healthy life?

Nevertheless, I do love coke. For me, yes, I will prefer this sleek mini coke once a while when hot weather, having the value meal of McDonald's or other special occasions. The standard size of coke now is a little too much for me, so cool when drinking under the hot sun, but rather uncomfortable when finish the whole can, the stomach is full of gas...then the next you know...urhhh...

Come to health issue, we know that obesity has been affecting younger and younger generation, and one of the factor is the unbalanced diet and junk food. Coke is one of the favorite drinks for youngsters. High sugar and high carbohydrate are the contents, but still people demanding for it.

Is this smaller mini coke a better offer for those calorie concern consumer and as an effort to control the healthy diet of young?
Yes, now you have a choice for smaller portion.
However, this can be a marketing attempt to penetrate larger group of consumers, especially the younger and innocent! Because it is smaller and cheaper, so, the kids with their few pennies pocket money can buy it themselves, without the knowledge of parents. Advertisement, cute and stylist outlook, and word of mouth, drinking soft drink is a lifestyle. So do kids following this kind of culture. Who cares about nutrition, diet, obesity, heart disease and health awareness?

These questions shall leave for those parents and I shall go for a can of coke from fridge now...