Friday, November 13

2012 - The Movie

Global warming, war, earth quake, tsunami, and other natural disasters are happening around, getting frequent and frequent, and thousands or millions of victims, lost their home, lost their life. We are lucky in Malaysia, still. Watching television and news about all these disasters happening here and there, donation not only for the victims of natural disaster, but illness, welfare, etc... too much of fund raise on news paper until we have used to it.

Doomsday or not, we don't know how long is our life span. But, human, we are too selfish making the earth getting worse and worse, dirty and polluted. 2012 again directed by Roland Emmerich, whose previously filmed "Independent Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow". Compare to the previous two, 2012 doesn't has much surprise to me, is still a good cast presenting us and warn us the end of the world. Nevertheless, I think the movie has too much focus on how the tiny few people escape from the "doomsday" which prolong for just "a few hours".

Simply hiding in the big and tough ships and avoid from the impact, seems ridiculous. 2012 is talking about the instability of the earth planet, not just a matter of one or two comet hitting lol!

I was a little disappointed. Indeed, the idea of how one hero Jackson Curtis (together with his 8 or 10 years old son Noah Curtis), pull out the obstacle stuck at the gear, then save the whole ship of people and the "entire human race", this is really a typical heroism story...

Well, the art work and graphic effect are impressively giving the audience a picture of how the "angry" unstable mother earth would be. We are so tiny and helpless to confront with the giant huge power of nature. Building collapse, land breaking apart, whole city covered by tsunami water, cleansing off the entire human race and all the creatures...

However, it may be too sad if the human species distinct, so the director of the movie, as if the God so kind "open a window" for a few of human representatives to survive. They run, driving recklessly on pieces of broken street, flying up and down...not an easy job a virtual game, fighting from one stage to over then you can still continue, no worry...

Sadly, the movie still emphasize on the sophisticate technology...hiding in the big ship could easily escape from the disaster?? as if those iron, wire, screw and computer are our only hope and "weapon" to confront with huge natural force.
Not to forget also they use helicopter to fetch a few animals like giraffe and elephant to the big ship, to preserve them from the impact of disaster. So kind of them not to forget other resident of earth. However, this idea was a little boring... why not they preserve the gene or cells on the petri dish or test tube, keep filing in the gene bank? that will be more fantastic isn't it?

After the exciting survivors escape, finally God of mercy will says, "alright, enough of torturing, stop the earth quake, stop the tsunami, stop the volcano...return for them the warm sunshine and peaceful bluish ocean."...

The end...

So, everyone claps their hands...pop corn plastic bags, soft drink cup and straw were left behind...

2012, I would say is commercially a good production, heroism and graphically impressive...fulfill the demand of market...but as a warning to audience about ending of and love our earth now...I may be expecting too much.

Related to 2012:
2012 Game
Institute for Human Continuity
What will happen in 2012