Wednesday, December 9

Gene Modifying Pill - Straighten or Curly Hair

Gene are inherited from our parents, one copy from mummy and one copy from daddy.
Combination of the genotype will develop different phenotype, which is the appearance or trait that we can see, such as color of eyes, curly or straight hair and etc. So, genes in the genome are the storage of memory of all creature, from the ancestor and slowly evolved until today. It has everything encoded.

Since the discovery of DNA, genetic has been a hot issue and interested by scientist. Human Genome Project conducted almost 13 years and completed in year 2003 has been a huge project to identify the whole picture of every gene in human. Today, another milestone, "curly hair gene" has finally identified.

The groundbreaking research identified the trichohyalin gene as the one that is mainly responsible for creating curls. Although is was already known to play some role in the development of the hair follicle, scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) have now found its role in curliness. Professor Nick Martin, head of the QIMR Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory and author of the research, says it is variation in this gene that determines straightness or curliness of hair.

Following the discovery of this "curly hair gene",  either straight or curly hair baby can be predicted. For criminal investigation, this characteristic gene also can be served as the supporting clue to identify the suspect. Besides, for beauty purpose, straight or curly hair could be possibly alter with just a pill that can simply target and substitute the gene with different variation. Hair straighteners may soon be history, claim scientists who have discovered the "curly hair gene".

Well, hopefully the pill is stable enough, users can enjoy their desire hair style while not causing any genetic disorder trouble.