Saturday, December 31

Trouble Maker -- Sexy Dance

Korean Pop Star... Hyuna :D
Omg, love her sexy body!!!

Tuesday, December 27

A day

Like usual, I was overslept...

Omg it was 12 noon! I was supposed to be in the office by 9am (or worse to worst by 10am)
Pick up the phone and send a message to inform someone, Alfred? Hmm...yeah, I got headache, my eyes still swelling...blablablaaa...anything can we just leave to tomorrow?.... Then my phone rang~~was Alfred.....hh--ello....lower down my tone (pretending sick)....from the other side of phone...."nonono...the deadline is 1pm today! you have to do the final correction by now...or you better call Prof E right now...."

The next thing, I was driving....the time was 12.30pm....I don't have Prof E's no....and I don't want to call Alfred again and again.... Oh, god! please clear my way!!

Then the miracle happened... from my house to the office usually take half an hour to 45 minutes thoroughgoing congestion and 7 traffic was smooth?! and none of the 7 lights was red?! It was so awesome! feel like I'm gonna hit a lottery!

Oh yeah, I reached at 12.45pm, quickly rushed to Prof E's room, knocked the door and he looked at me... I was thinking "sure die" this time....almost 4 hours late...but come to my big surprise, he said, "yeah, you can check your paper tomorrow online, should be published"...."no need correction?" then he look at me with wonder "everything is done, your boss has check through" head was dizzy and lag perhaps, "oh, really, but Alfred ask me to see you this morning for correction"......argghh... I realized my sentence was so stupid right at the second I said so....

Since I was already "here".... wait a minute, I saw nasi lemak outside the seminar hall...should be the food for the morning's I took one plate with fried chicken, and also a cup of nescafe, still hot in thermos, yeah, nice free brunch... to my room, enjoying....

Talk to my peers....while enjoying the nasi lemak together....
Actually, I should have registered for a presentation session early in September but now almost come to the end of semester, **bing bing** I just realized about it....I do pissed and blamed on myself being so reluctant to have make sure I got the registration done....But then, as I learnt that my friend going to extend for the 7th semester, I felt myself wasn't too bad....hahaha...this poor fella has actually complete his research on his 4th semester....but all because of his first supervisor transferred to Indonesia... then the second to German... so now he is waiting reply all the way from German in order to proceed to submission and viva....

Met my boss, suddenly I felt "thank god" he is my supervisor...I am sure he would never leave me and go to German or he is the head for this whole department....and at his age now....where else to go? hehehe....then I ask a stupid question again "boss, do you think I manage to finish up by this semester?" "if everything progressed good, why not?" then I said "but......................." he turned off his Mac book and looked at me...."but.........I forgotten to register for the PTS5111" ..................................."what? then why don't you register?" I secretly thought that he may use his special power to placed me into the presentation hall on coming January....then everything would be so easy....hehe....but the probability for him to do so might be less than 0.00001, or unless he is going to migrate to German or Indonesia?

5pm, back home.
Tomorrow got an official meeting with all my big boss and yet I am still writing this nonsense....
And one more thing was, I did smashed on Alfred's head.

Thursday, November 10


Today is a grateful day with six one, being the most remarkable day for singles and bachelors.
People around are discussing how to make the day...spending with someone special...having a great dinner...propose to the love one...held a party with all the singles...blind dates...something extraordinary to make the day memorable and possibly as long as not to stay alone or to avoid any lonely feely...

For today, yeah, I am single :P
Happy 111111

Wednesday, October 19

Flood in Thailand

Whether you are human or animal...we help each other...
Houses inundated...where shall we go?
New function of plastic bottles?

Global warming is affecting everyone of what we should do...replace, reduce, reuse, and recycle...we have no other way to run.

Wednesday, September 28

Johnny English Reborn -- non-stop laughing

Rowan Atkinson who might be more well known as Mr. Bean, is now a secret agent, Johnny English...

Johnny English, was a improbable secret agent who doesn't know fear or danger. Well, as the most unlikely intelligence officer in Her Majesty's Secret Service, Johnny English was assigned the mission to hunt down a group of international assassins "Vortex" before they eliminate the Chinese Prime.

In the years since MI7's top spy vanished off the grid, he has been honing his "unique skills" and seeking for inner peace in a remote region of China.

When his agency superiors learn of an attempt against the Chinese premier's life, they must hunt down the highly unorthodox agent. Johnny English is called back to service the country.

Although the story was an ordinary one...a comedian hero to stop a group of assassins before they eliminate a world leader and cause global chaos...but every single movement, face expression or even a word that came out from Rowan Atkinson could make you laugh to tears...

Tuesday, August 30

Purple Jade Pixiu

Finally I found her... love at first sight...
The very rare purple and dark green jade in combination with pixiu motif... she was astonishing...and I know I got to take her with matter what...

Purple jade stone has been cherished by many other cultures for its unique and interesting properties. In Feng Shui, purple jade is a precious gemstone believed to have mysterious healing and energizing powers. With its extravagance and auspicious nature, these purple jade stones were exclusively delegated to the lord and noble in ancient China. Whist, American Indians believed that purple jade has the healing power for kidney ailment. Basically, purple jade was said to foster creativity, promote practicality, increase body strength and encourage tolerance, wisdom and love.

The natural color jade stone must be translucent to the light and the material would look slightly fibrous within. Jade is harder than steel and should not scratch by steel blaze. There are two type of jade in the market namely jadeite and nephrite. Jadeite mainly from Burma was known to be hardest jade stone in world and tends to have brighter hues and a shinier polish than nephrite.

In fact, the experts graded the jade as A, B, C where basically the best A-jade is natural jade that has not been treated in any way; B is jade that has been bleached; and C-jade is color dyed, which commonly called fake jade. The value of jade was highly subjective and even expects could run into difficulties to identify the quality of jades by their physical appearance.

The natural purple color side of my lovely jade pixiu...

The deep green side..translucent to light.
It cost me 500USD to tackle her...^^ 

Thursday, August 25

Do nuts to stay sane

Thanks to a 18's girl who knock my head...
Realized my 18 was gone too far...people around were getting older and older...and where the passion gone?

Arts, freedom and affection were such a beautiful picture...we were once young and passionate...
Who has polluted that nice perfect picture? was that mature a contradiction to "nuts"?

Some people say, you gotta be who you suppose to be when the time come...
18 was a great time, but you're so not gonna miss 28, 38, 48,58... who knows they would not be fun?

Today, I feel insane.

Sharky Bids - Definitely Scam!

If you think you may have a Nikon D7000 for just 8.42 bucks, then you are a dumb!
Well, I was that dumb dumb being cheated 300 bucks.
Don't ever think for 1 second thats such a good deal, auction or whatsoever...they were SCAMS!
You could never win any thing at the end, what you had pay was just for the "clicking"...then your money all gone!
Damn pissed on myself been so lazy to find out...blindly to believe what I wish to be true.
How naive I was... somebody please lock them up!!

Here a good review on how they cheat...I was too late to find out don't be a fool hooked up like me.

Sunday, August 7

Half past 2011

Hair was long enough tighten up.
Secluded beach...I was not alone.
Reminiscence pieces by pieces.
Over and over again.

Would it different this time?

I assumed myself found but sometimes I lost again.

I am fine.. seems like the only answer to how are you...
I wish I'd have be more creative but I never been.
Just like I wish I'd have become stronger...

I am not a believer but somehow I rely pretty much on the given...
I thought my faith have been exhausted in love
but surprisingly, tears dropped from my drought eyes again.

Was it real?

Complicated and mixed feeling...
For the past I couldn't found.
For the present I fear to become past.

Just one thing my heart could tell,
I was happy for the tears out of sorrow.

I kinda like it.

Monday, June 20

I'll move on

This road that I'm taking twists and turns
My life my chance turning dreams into reality
Down this path faced with many things
Sometimes I feel like giving up and turn away

Can't seem to go on
And I've been thru' this before
Now where am I? Where do I stand?
A little lost here
But I'll remember
All those times you've bought me through
I'd be a fool to give up cos' the goal is near

I'll move on I'll go on
Lord I will take your hand
And you will guide me along
Survive thru' this storm
So I say come what may
I'll hold on to my hope
Yes I will walk down this road
And my passion drive will lead me on

Here I am Once again caught in the rain
Looking back I've come so far and I want to carry on

Take a step at a time it's alright
Even through this rain
I want to smile again

Don't hold back now
And I've been thru' this before
Now where am I? Where do I stand?
A little lost here
But I'll remember
All those times you've bought me thru'
I can feel the sun shining down on me

Here I am Here I am
Lord I will take your hand
And you will guide me along
Survive thru' this storm
So I say come what may
I'll hold on to my hope
Yes I will walk down this road
And my passion drive will lead me on

Thursday, June 9

Relax and Smile

Peace and harmony...
Water is so are so huge...and we are just tiny creature in between...
Under the shade of grey sky...everyone put on their smile...
For this moment...forget all the to do lists and forget who you are...
Happiness is always upon our reach...

Friday, April 29

British Royal Wedding

Once upon a time...
Royal Wedding Charles and Diana 29th July 1981

While today...
Royal Wedding William and Kate 29th April 2011

Similar vows...hopefully not similar tragic...
RIP Princess Diana

Wednesday, April 20

Sometimes when we touch

You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
In what you say or do
I'm only just beginning
To see the real you

And sometimes when we touch
The honestys too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through all the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth

And sometimes when we touch
The honestys too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you try
I watched while love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
At times I think were drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again

And sometimes when we touch
The honestys too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold ya till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

Wednesday, March 16

Black Swan -- Natalie Portman

Watched two totally different movie by Natalie Portman -- "Black Swan" and "No String Attached"
One was comedy while another was psycho...I was totally impressed by the actress Natalie, indeed, she was the winner of Best Actress in Academy Awards 2011..

The story of Black Swan is basically showing how a ballet dancer Nina (Portman) wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and compete for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette...however, struggling to survive in the industry, the boss has to come out with more creative presentation as well as pushing the dancer to the outrageous... Nina slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan... her illusion, the "black swan" gave her the courage and strength that she had never had but also took away her soul...

The story ends with beautiful splash of blood on the stage...


Everyone one of us has this "black swan" within...just that we still know how to play safe...
Inner of me love "Black Swan" but outer prefer "No Strings Attached"

Saturday, January 22

Travel out of reality -- Gulliver's

Fantasy and imagination are always the best entertainment...

Gulliver's Travels was one of my favorite bed time story...which always give me a sweet dream voyages to Liliput...a tiny man kingdom...

However, Gulliver's Travels 2010 has slightly different story plot where I found it more exciting as its more closely narrating dreams of most people now a day... especially the villa house! haha...
Gulliver Lemuel (starring by Jack Black) is presented as a depressed and not satisfying person in his mail room job as well as in his life...he decides to talk to journalist Darcy Silverman (Amanda Peet) who admired by him for so long... End up, Gulliver manage to convinces Darcy that he could write a report about his travels (by plagiarises from other publications on the Internet). Darcy is impressed by his writing and presents Gulliver a task – to travel to the Bermuda Triangle and write an article about the legend of ships mysteriously disappearing in the area...

Adventure of Gulliver begins as he rent a boat to the triangle, caught in a freak storm, and washed up unconscious on the shore of Liliput...
Gulliver is captured and imprisoned because of his huge size...but later he become hero of the tiny population (save the princess from kidnapped, save the king out of fire and protect the kingdom from their enemy Blefuscu)...he claimed himself as president the awesome... the best part is Gulliver enjoy very much respect, power and luxury that he never had in his real life...anyhow, the story goes on with Gulliver's lies revealed and he has to overcome the hardship with who he really is...then of cause the story ended happily...

Jack Black is a definite comedian and I can see everyone carried hope and smile home after the me...

Wednesday, January 12

Facebook Mafia Addiction Again: Blackmail Photo Wanted

Chop off my fingers from clicking Facebook Mafia War game for almost a year, now I return.

Besides the latest country Italy to conquer, New York "Boss" tier has yet to be completed...

Why so important to complete "Boss" tier?
Because of this "Golden Throne" which generates energy for you at 2 times the normal rate.
And simply generate lots of extra energy to work!

6 ways for how to get "Blackmail Photo"
  1. Ask from your mafia family.
  2. Purchase 10 Sets of Blackmail Photos for 20 RP. Not a good deal...
  3. As free gift by complete the require mission. Too stingy given only one set completed whole big mission! but better than none...
  4. Do job "Obtain Compromising Photos" under the "Hitman" tier. But its not promising...just a chance to loot blackmail photos. Besides, you need concealable camera and spend 25 energy to perform the job. To obtain concealable camera, you need to "Rod an Electronic Store" under "Enforcer" tier and spend 21 energy.
  5. Set up a few more mafia accounts and collect all the "Blackmail Photos" for the main account! tricky but works...applicable for other loots or collections as well...
  6. Cheat code. please let me know if there is one.

Monday, January 10

Nicolas Cage -- Season of the Witch

The very first movie I watched in the new year of 2011, Season of the Witch, simply because of Nicolas Cage, one of my favorite actor. However, after the show, I wonder, "what's the name of the show again?"...."season of the bitch?" friend said so...or mishearing?

I was confused.
As a horror movie, it was not that scary...indeed a bit childish...but to say as an action movie, the actions were the beginning, it was alright, the girl was said as witch, yes, Season of the Witch, of cause should be all about witch...but turned up it was demon?? there was none of "witch" business, just a young pretty girl possessed by demon...I think most audiences like myself were expecting some black magic and spell...let it be a black kitty or a broken broom??

Furthermore, this demon was kind of stupid, he wanted to destroy the Key of Solomon (a book) but he don't know the way to the monastery where the book was kept (but he can kill all the monks there before his arrival) he hide in the body of the pretty gal, Anna (so-called witch), and let the knights and priest to escort him (or her)...lastly demon shown up himself and fight...but he looked rather weak...skinny and small size...definitely he was defeated...old knights and priest all died, only survival -- the young man and women, Kay and Anna...imagine they live happily ever after...
End the story.

Its all about Nicolas Cage...just like the poster shown...