Friday, August 21


People are selfish.
In most of the time, we care only our self..we are focusing too much on what we want..what we need..what we feel..

"I want to buy this dress."
"I looks pretty wearing this shirt."
"I scored a good result, so I feel very happy!"
"I like to travel."

"I" is always capital..

Example 2
Look at a group photo taken with friends.
The first one we looking is always our self.


Pardon me.
When you read down to the line above, are you thinking that I am criticizing?

If so, then I shall clarify here, NO.

Its YOU, your perception is telling you "selfish", "care only our own self" is BAD!!
At the same time, you are struggling "oh yes, I am doing that way too".. so when people says "selfish", your perception tells you, "BAD", as a result, you blame on people whose you think they are criticize on you!

Here, twist your head.

I am actually praising "SELFISH"..
Well, it may be a good character..

For instance:
I am selfish. I do not help my brother to wash his dishes. Therefore, he has to learn how to wash his own dishes.
My mum is generous. She always help him wash his dishes. Therefore he never wash the dishes after used. My mum is yelling but still wash them up.

Generosity making people relies on you?
May be.
Not always.

Again, I do not say that generosity is no good.

Now, have you seen??
Good or no good is just the very subjective judgment that your perception tells you.
Nothing is good or no good..
Just shit here.

This is my piggy head opinion and perception.
Does not mean to offense anybody or anything.

Monday, August 17


I do believe in fate as the secret law of attraction had been deep influencing my mind set so far.

Everyone is unique.

People tend to stay in group, usually attracting people with similarity but people with opposition character too indulged in relationship which is in very different kind.

Like or dislike, we attract somebody. We creating the experience that our mind set actually "desired", whether it is happy or unhappy. We generate the signal, and the universal do arrange according to the signal we had generated.

Most of us do know what we want, simply, I want to be rich, I want to be healthy, I want luxury car, house, etc. Yet, most of us doubt, am I able to get them? am I capable? and we might think or assume when get the things then somethings got to be scarified?
These perception and doubt create the vibration to universal and thus your doubt come true!

People around us, whether you like or dislike them, are here because you attracted them. Your family, your friends or even your enemy. The more you thinking of them, the more their appear to you! So, what's in your mind now? your loves one or your enemy?

Be a lovely person then you can attract lovely people towards you!
Create the fate!

Friday, August 7

The same picture for two different news?!

This interesting "phenomena" was found in a local mandarin paper.
The person in the picture may be either brother of the victim or drugs trader??

haha..amusing error within those serious national issues..

Thursday, August 6

Early in the morning

Since secondary school, except for special occasions, it has been long time that I was able to wake up before the raise of sun.

Its 5.05am.

Perhaps there are too much work pending that make me couldn't sleep well, or its time for me to change a healthier sleeping habit.

After a cup of "lovely" water, I start my day with watching my favorite -- "the Secret". Peacefully, I complete my routine jobs..reply all pending emails..check my through the resources long frozen on my desk..
I feel gratitude..approaching the positive influencing doesn't matter for me how true is "the Secret"..yet..I enjoy the feeling at this moment..

I not sure whether I can maintain myself wake up at 5.05am tomorrow, but these extra 5hours really settle a lot of stuff instead of sleep..

Let's see then :)
Sleep whenever you can while wake up when if you can't...zzzzzz...

Tuesday, August 4


People tend to complaint what is wrong..what is no good..who is bad..
Complaints easily catch our attention in various severity..

Imagine if a person can see only ugly things, hears only bad words, thinking the whole world is so cunning and betraying.. how true is the "fact" that he is actually deceiving? The same things, same situation, yet, resulted in different interpretation of different people..different perception..

What if we see things differently?

Shift your focus.
"Its so good I am able to wake up in such a beautiful cool morning."

Instead of
"Damn, so cool the stupid morning got to wake up for work.."

Sounds easy right? Just a little appreciation of all the things around you.
Your family, friends, colleague, workers, boss, or even things like computer, car, pet, tree..everything.. There is surely something you can thankful of..find it out!

Say thank you to the water you drink!

Indeed, studies had shown that the crystal structure of a thankful water is so beautiful under microscope..