Tuesday, August 4


People tend to complaint what is wrong..what is no good..who is bad..
Complaints easily catch our attention in various severity..

Imagine if a person can see only ugly things, hears only bad words, thinking the whole world is so cunning and betraying.. how true is the "fact" that he is actually deceiving? The same things, same situation, yet, resulted in different interpretation of different people..different perception..

What if we see things differently?

Shift your focus.
"Its so good I am able to wake up in such a beautiful cool morning."

Instead of
"Damn, so cool the stupid morning got to wake up for work.."

Sounds easy right? Just a little appreciation of all the things around you.
Your family, friends, colleague, workers, boss, or even things like computer, car, pet, tree..everything.. There is surely something you can thankful of..find it out!

Say thank you to the water you drink!

Indeed, studies had shown that the crystal structure of a thankful water is so beautiful under microscope..