Tuesday, November 17









Eulogy piece of a paper, an ending of a lifetime

Friday 13, November 2009, I received an SMS message informed me that she had pass away in the afternoon. My most beloved and respected person die.

At one time, pair of her hands could carry me in her arms.
Once, when she was not in my line of sight would make me unsecured.
Once, I asked her why people die? When will we going to die? Where the death gone? She told me always be good intentions and to do good things, then death will be reborn, and will have good rewards. I hope that my afterlife can be her children, and I would do a lot of good jobs for that.
Once, I asked her why she wearing gold jewelry
even not during the festival? she said with a laugh that of her age, soon if she die all those jewelry can't be bringing along too. That moment, I felt so sad and so scared that she will die one day. I sneaked a request to the gods, I am willing to give her my life for several decades, do not let her leave so soon.

Her gentle and caring, always make me feel calm and ease. She does not illiterate, she used to wake up at 6 or 7 o'clock early morning, turn on the radio, and began to busy the housework. Chat with her, watching TV, nap, drying clothes, folding clothes, walking in the evening, time was slipped through in such a warm and loving manner. Sometimes, we would talk at night until fall asleep. When she was asleep, I would looked carefully at her feature to well keep in my mind. I was secretly touched her hand, feeling her warm and breath. She did not has hobby, singing perhaps, I could never heard of her Huangmei's lullaby again. Her idol is Lin Dai, I deliberately borrow Lin Dai starring video and we are pleased with watching it a few times, until the video tape broken, and so as the video recorders been replaced by DVD player.

She was always there, my home of vacation. School holidays a few days to month, I stayed with her like my home, and always unwilling to leave. Then she will always say come again next time leave when free.

Time passing by very fast, grown up, homework, tuition and friends play, I gradually leaving her behind. While, she is still living her regular life. Until her illness could not allow her to take care of her daily tasks, she can no longer moving around, can no longer express herself, but only suffer and pain.
She was moved out alone, moved into old folks home. Her life became static. Occasionally I did visit her a few times, but we can never chat like the past anymore. The memories stopped here.

That day, she finally liberated. Peacefully left us.
Not too much of tears, I was calm indeed.

Mummy, I have grew up, I will take care of myself and don't need to worry about me. Wish to see you again in the next life. So long and good bye.
She is my childhood nanny, and the second mother.