Sunday, November 1

Speaker for the Dead -- Forensic Science

We are not living in world of fairy tale.
Criminals convicted everyday, everywhere, I would like to say especially murder case.
The dead body found or even not found, been killed cruelly, insane and disgust, but the murderers are not always get arrest and punish. The real game may involve a lot of political, social, money, dark power, and relation complication, who's daring to stand for the justice?

Some popular case like John F. Kennedy, David Carradine, Princess Dianna, Micheal Jackson, and look closer to our country which we have more recent case of Altantuya and Teoh Beng Hock, how they die? suicide? homicide? or illness? The answer shall only can be told by the evidence and the inevitable justice.

Forensic science is an interesting career choice. They look at evidence at a crime scene, and then use it to put together clues that point to who might have done the deed. While forensic science has been made popular through shows like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and even Dexter, Gil Grissom and Dexter aren’t the only famous forensic scientists out there.

One of the most popular forensic expert, Dr. Henry Lee, whose skills as an investigator and interpreter of crime scene evidence have made him in demand around the globe. Over the past 40 years, he has assisted in the investigation of more than 6,000 cases, including a murder case without a body.

Nearer to us, Thailand, Pornthip Rojanasunand, also a well known Thai forensic pathologist, author, human rights activist, and cancer survivor. She has repeatedly publicly stated that she has come across evidence of police abuses during her work. Pornthip presently is Director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Justice, in Bangkok and introduced DNA evidence to Thailand.

Her hair, with bursts of crimson highlights, is a wild mane of gelled artistry. Bangles, bracelets and charms, in sliver and red beads, adorn both arms. Her get up is Gothic, black top with fuschia sleeves, black pants with a wraparound skirt. She has introducing a fresh look of a forensic doctor, is nothing wrong to be trendy too.

Though she is well-known and being respect by millions of people not only from Thai, she is still a very humble person. Well, its so true that she said, she is just doing her part. Simple. If everyone are able to simply do our part right, criminals, disasters and corruptions can be so much reduced!
But sadly, a lot of these cases are remaining unsolved and keep happening every day.

Perhaps the forensic scientists and investigator of our own country are not experience enough to solve those complicating cases like Teoh Beng Hock death, we truly need an expert with no interest conflict with any of the parties, to tell us honestly, whats the story all about? Its enough of fooling..please la..

Those professional forensic doctors may get their hands dirty when examine those bodies, under stress and threaten, but they must do their part right, to point out those real dirty hands and send them to hell. So, as part of the community, we shall stand together for the justice! The whole 1 Malaysia as well as the whole world want to know the truth.